I stood there alone one night in my kitchen glancing out the window, face to face with the white creepy house.
That house is so creepy that no one DARES to go near it, as some people say 'once you are in, there is no turning back'.
One day when it was beautiful and sunny, me and my friend Lucy decided to go outside and play catch. I accidently through the ball into someone's front garden, but then I realised it wasn't someone's front garden, it was the white creepy house's front garden. I stood there in fright not even daring to move a muscle, I was like a statue. Lucy was shouting " get out of there!" I didn't listen to her as I didn't know what to do. I stood there not wanting to know what might happen next...
While I was still standing, Lucy scattered like a mouse and tried to pull me, I pushed her away then said "we're going in" as I stepped onto the porch. Lucy said I was crazy and shook her head then went to run but I grabbed her by the collar and said "we're in this together". Lucy then nodded her head then didn't let go of me, it was like we were stuck like super glue. We both got to the front door. I swallowed a big lump in my throat then I opened the crocked door.
CREAK! The door opened, as me and Lucy stepped in. My heart was pounding, I wish I never did this. Inside smelt all icky, all the walls where mouldy and the celling had water dripping down. I couldn't believe that I lived next door and also that this house hadn't been knocked down. So I went upstairs and it was still the same. Suddenly my body started shaking as I feared that something was nearby, but I looked round and Lucy wasn't behind me... BANG! The door shut. Lucy ran out and left me. I was alone in the white creepy house.
I was so scared; I knew there was someone nearby. Then I heard something I haven't heard before in a room down the hall way, I didn't dare to look but I started walking towards the room. I didn't know what I was doing. Then I knew I was going to regret it. I crept slowly moving myself across the wall then I heard that strange noise again and my body was shaking more than ever. I peeked my head through the gap of the door then saw a shadow fly past the window. I screamed and ran down stairs, I tried to open the door but I couldn't open it. My heart was pounding and I didn't know what to do. The shadow was there in front of me and said "Once you are in, there is no going back!" I screamed and the shadow dragged me away into complete darkness. Was this the end?
White Creepy house
HorrorThis is a short story about two girls that were playing ball when it landed in front of a creepy house. They both went inside when something terrible happened to them...