Chapter 3

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Emily – securely held in Pip's arms and gyrating softly to the pulsing ballad in the dimly lit nightclub, was aware of a feeling spreading slowly throughout her entire body. Unsure exactly what this feeling was, she was only too aware that it was pleasurable and that it was inexorably getting stronger as Pip gradually lowered his arms until both hands were firmly grasping her rear. As he pulled her hard up against his stiffening erection, he pushed rhythmically against the flat of her stomach. She felt an overwhelming urge to abandon herself to desires that she had not felt before to this intensity. 
Having left her family chatting happily in the bar, she'd slipped away in the hope of finding Pip whom she had met for the first time in the hotel club only the night before. She had noticed him straight away as he flirted with a few of the girls that seemed to hang around him like flies. He was striking, she knew that; classic good looks, she supposed. Light brown, tousled hair, a deep tan and a winning, boyish smile that melted her heart. He was also quite tall, which she found appealing, as being tall herself for a girl – she didn't somehow feel right – being with a boy the same height.
However, she thought this to be merely hypothetical knowing a popular boy like that would never be interested in her. She was too studious and generally considered a bit of a geek among her peer group. She knew she was pretty – in a natural kind of way – but not in that tarty, glamorous way that teenage boys really seemed to go for. She had, at seventeen, never had a serious boyfriend – only friends who happened to be boys and she knew enough to know that was not the same thing at all; a different thing altogether.
However, on this occasion she was wrong. Pip hit on her straight away to the exclusion of all the other more glamorous girls that were hanging around him. He and Emily danced, drank and laughed together. She had never known this feeling before and they arranged to hook up again the following evening.
Emily had managed to sneak away from her family after shaking off Susan who wasn't really old enough to enjoy 'noisy' clubs in any case. Up until now the sisters had been best of friends but Emily was finding her younger sibling, clingy, and a real pain since she'd bumped into Pip the night before. 
She managed to meet Pip as planned.
The lights were dim and slowly pulsating in time with the music. Emily felt Pip's body pushing up against hers. She glanced up to find his lips urgently seeking her own. Then, as they made tentative contact she felt the intoxicating soft warmth of his lips gently caressing hers. A mesmeric wave of pleasure assaulted her from some private place deep within – a place she had never known existed until this overwhelming moment – this electric thrill of togetherness. Then she felt the soft wetness of his tongue pushing into her mouth and almost against her will their mouths were linked together, exploring, delving; discovering secrets she had never known before. She gave herself freely to this primordial warmth pounding and spreading throughout her being as Pip's heart beat mingled with her own, leaving her weak and powerless to stop him, even if she had wanted to.
Pip, by now, highly aroused, broke free from the clinch, and grasping Emily firmly around the waist coerced her across the crowded dance floor. He was looking around for a place of escape – a place where they could finally be alone. Then he spotted the fire escape. Pushing it open, they found themselves at the top of a concrete spiral staircase dimly lit with the yellow glare of utility wall lighting. Holding Emily by the arm, Pip pulled out a half bottle of Jack Daniel's mixed with lemonade and handed it to her. Tipping the bottle back, she took a long draught, then spluttering from the unaccustomed strength of the spirit, handed it back. Swaying slightly, she steadied herself on the handrail before continuing her descent, pulled along by the insistency of Pip's caress.
At the bottom of the stairwell they came to two double doors. Now in near darkness they pushed down on the handles and finding little resistance tripped and half fell into a pitch-black room and onto something soft and yielding. Both being in an excited state, they immediately fell into a clinch, their tongues exchanging caresses as Pip's hands explored beneath her cotton top, feeling the enticing softness of her bra.
Things were going a little faster than Emily had anticipated as she felt her bra loosen and fall away and Pip's hands fondling the naked flesh of her breasts, which she found both frightening and intoxicating as his tongue delved hungrily into the recesses of her mouth.
Yet she wondered if she really wanted this despite the excitement of the moment and the peer pressure she constantly felt herself under. She had, after all, managed to keep her virginity until well past sixteen and was just wondering if a hot sticky grope with a boy she had only just met was really the way she wanted to lose it.
As she felt Pip's fingers furtively exploring under the waistband of her skirt and then slowly delving down beneath her knickers, all such considerations were quickly interrupted by the scraping of a door some distance away and the neon strip lighting flickering into life. The first thing Emily saw was the look of utter panic on Pip's face. Then they both looked around and realized that they were in some kind of underground warehouse crammed full of suitcases and trunks of various descriptions.
What they had been lying on and using as a makeshift bed were clothes, all of a very high quality; neatly sorted and folded into piles. It was like the depository of a major department store and further off were tables covered with expensive electronics: iPhones; tablets; book readers – all neatly sorted and lined up by type.
They heard voices, clearly Turkish, but talking in English with a curious rough-cut London twang. They could not see the speakers nor could they be seen themselves due to the piles of suitcases stacked up between them and whoever had entered, but they could make out what was being said clearly enough.
"'Ow many more we got then, big man?" A belligerent voice shouted from across the floor.
"Dun no Babo, seems to go on forever dun it. But I reckon we dun at least 'alf."
"Rich pickings this lot then innit?"
"Bloody well needs to be, the amount these Russkis eat."
"Residool profit... That's what 'The Bas' calls it. Pays for the ruddy food they stuff down their gullets."
"Yeah right! But this lot were porked out when they got 'ere, right.
"That's why he likes the Russkis. The jobs three quarters dun innit."
Slowly, making no noise, Pip and Emily crept towards the door they had come in by. Slipping silently out they made their way up the stairs without saying a word to each other and without exchanging a glance. Emily re-fixed her bra and adjusted her clothing before re-entering the busy dance floor and when Pip tried to put his arm around her she pulled away from him and looked at him anxiously.
"Don't you get it Pip? What the fuck is going on here and what the hell has happened to the Russians if all their expensive stuff is still piled up in the basement?"
Looking around she watched the dancers strutting their stuff and exposing rolls of flesh that would perhaps be better left covered. Emily looked down at her own midriff and felt
the several inches of spare flesh that somehow she had never noticed before.
Her mind inevitably drifted back to their arrival just a few days ago and to the crowds of overweight Russians. Then to the scene she had just witnessed in the basement.
She didn't like what she was thinking but she just couldn't get it out of her head.
"Pip, how long you been here?"
"Er, just over a week and a half I think."
"Have you put on a lot of weight in that time?"
"What you saying Em, like I'm fat or something? Anyway who wouldn't put on a few kilos with all this free food and drink?"
'Yes, who wouldn't? Emily mused as she made her way towards the bar where she hoped her Father was still sober enough to take on board the full import of what she was about to tell him.

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