I stand in this street
With others young and meek
We are scared but we are strong
We stand tall and sing our unspoken songYou pity my people
You squander our names
Like the Invisible man
You take from under us this land
And sell it back ten fold
With shattered dreams and broken roads
Of a goal we once yearned for united then dividedThen united once more
We stand at your door
We cry HELP!
but silence is our response
We cry more.No more shall we suffer
No more shall we endure
No more shall take these slamming doorsOn our faces
Do you see them?
We are angry
Can't you hear them?Our dead loved ones cry with us
They mourn and yell with us
As we stand our groundWe say HELP!
You turn sheep
You turn weak
We say HELP!
And you wait for us to sleepIn that dumb slumber of the mind
Its easier to feed us liesYou wish to return us
Abandon us, rid us
From your broken land
So riddled with diseaseThat you turn your head
And point your fingers with dread
To us and claim the ruin oursWhy is it not yours?
Only ours when its broken
Only ours when its weak
But yours when its strong
Yours when its strengthened
Yours when a reward is at its peakYet you do not share.
Like pigs, you eat
Any and everything your eyes meetYou devour our souls
You suck on our life
Drink from gilded glasses
And dine from silver platesWhile scraps for us vermin
Lie and waitFor us the many
Yet we are marked as fewNo more
We've had it
Our time is due
PoetryI'm writting a collection of free form, poem type stories. I dont know where it will go but I'm just writing for fun at the moment and with whatever comes to mind. Enjoy. I know I will.