Chapter 17: He Dumped Me For His Ex

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Me: Later. I hung up the FaceTime call and I just laid there in the bed. At this moment I  don't know how to feel but I know I did the right thing letting him go. I only would've ended up hurting him. A new journey starts so let's see how this plays out. At the moment Terry walks in looking at me, then he said.

Terry: little bro we was going to go do some exploring, you down? He looked at me and I just was looking not saying to much. You ok?

Me: I just was thinking. About a lot of stuff and Jason just broke up with me so I'm happy but a little down. Just got to get my feelings in order is all but I'll be good. Where you guys want to go?

Terry: There are a few places I would like to go especially that gay club I saw on google but we'll do that tonight. I want carry the kids to that frontier city theme park. You know lets get out and ride some rides. Come on it will be fun for you to get out. He smile then he said Chris is going.

Me: I blushed then said you so stupid. I'll go! I totally forgot I have school on Monday. Ugh I wish I was out of school already. I got up out the bed and when I did Chris asked me if I wanted breakfast he just got done cooking for everyone.he brought my plate to the door and I was like thanks.

Nate: Mjay you called

Me: Yea I called you bruh you still getting pussy ? Terry out and Chris thank you for the breakfast I'm going eat it right now . Nate game inside the room eating Chris breakfast. I said just look at you stuffing your dam face. He just started laughing then he said I was hungry Mjay and he can cook. He can cook !

Nate: Now I see why you so in love with em as he started to laugh. This egg taste so good I ready to free up my ass to have food like this all the time

Me: What's wrong with you your big head as he we started to laugh. I said Jason an I broke up a few minutes ago.

Nate: Oh wow , you ok?

Me: Yea I'm good man just one day at a time.

Nate: He gave me the side eye then he said Oh shit Chris about to be in that ass. He started laughing then he said Chris coming to retake his thrown.

Me: See you better stop smoking that dam weed as I laughed then I said roll up one lets go smoke it outside. Could use a stress released.

Nate: You got one already and it's called coco! I just stated laughing when he said that because the fact that he remember I named Chris dick coco back in the day. He just started laughing then he said yes I remember bestie. I was kidding though although I think you should go on a fuck rampage. Get out that good boy persona for once and let loose then talk to Chris. Do not jump right back in a relationship with him. I know you both love each other but it can't be that easy for him cause he got to know this time you mean business. That's if you want to try again with him.

Me: I know I love him but I don't know if I want get back with him yet. He got to prove to me he really want that too.

Nate: Yea but take things slow though and do you. Question are we going to Kane's frat thing or are we going to join the basketball team. This team could use our help for real though cause they aren't winning much or have been winning much in the past.

Me: Naw they record wasn't that bad you know but I think I'd have more fun playing basketball then going through hazing and that other shit. I'll only have to fuck someone up for saying the wrong thing to me. He looked at me saying you right because Kane best friend would be the first one we fuck up. Besides we could play Dion's team a few times too.

Nate: I heard that so we going out for the team. Let's do it the as we best friend shared on it. We just sat ere talking about this basketball team thing. I just was thinking I'll have to leave early to make sure KJ good" KJ comes first cause I'll cut the team quick. Nate says lets go for it! Get dress so we can head out for this day of fun.

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