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Eijun was met with a injury to his foot, on their final inning,he had twisted his ankle. It hurt like hell but he managed to fool everyone he didn't get hurt and won us the game.

Everyone cheered throwing Eijun up in the air.

He winced a bit, when he was set down again on his foot. He tried not to put too much pressure on it as everyone went back to the doorms.

Eijun was a mess but managed to make it and waited on the bench in the hall, he rubbed his ankle, as pain shot through it. "Eijun...are you alright?" He heard the voice of someone he didnt want to get scolded by the most. He froze and quickly stood up, but Miyuki didn't fail to notice the face he made.

Miyuki's eyes narrowed as he looked Eijun up and down.

Eijun gulped, he knew what the other was thinking. "I'm fine, really!"

He tried walking to prove his point until he wondered why now?? Infront of Miyuki his legs decide to give out but stand back up again.

He laughed, as he tried to laugh it off, Miyuki sighed. He shook his head,
"idiot. Your foot is bleeding."

Miyuki was pissed off. He couldn't deny that fact, that he was pissed off from Eijun keeping this a secret and not taking care of himself..not only that but not noticing himself Eijun was in pain.

Eijun was in disbelief until he looked at his foot."oh...your right it is." he tried to laugh it off again but Miyuki was upset. Eijun suddenly felt really guilty for making him upset.

Before the brunette could apologize, Miyuki had spoke first.

"let's go...." miyuki grabbed Eijun, lifting him up bridal style causing Eijuns face to turn 5 shades of red.

Miyuki grinned when Eijun screamed like a girl even burrying his face in his chest."I don't want to miss tomorrows game though...miyukkiii....please?" he said as he did his best not to cry.

Miyuki fronwed."Your health comes first, you know that. How did you even get hurt?" Miyuki asked. He didnt want Eijun to get hurt so bad by trying to play again tomorrow, his ankle is hurt enough.

He then remembered when he must have hurt it.

Eijun slid pretty far to catch that last ball. It must've been then.

"This is why I try to tell you not to use so much force..." Miyuki groaned, when Eijun kept silent.

Eijun smiled some as he couldnt help it. "Just...can we go to your room. I don't want to stay in the nurses office by myself....."
Miyuki gave him a questiniong look, but nodded.

"You're still going to get proper care by the nurse first though..then we'll go."

Eijun grined, satisfied with the answer and they made it to the nurses office.

It went just as Eijun feared, that he'd have to miss tomorrows game, but Miyuki held Eijuns hand and comforted him.

Miyuki didnt know what came over him but he knew how Eijun felt. He wasn't the best person at comforting someone but felt he needed to be there for him, he didnt really trust Kuramochi either to make sure Eijun was okay.

"you can let him go back to his room though make sure he doesnt put any presure at all, the next few days. It can make it worse if he does." she said as he nodded, the nurse left to go let them know he'd be leaving, and looked over at Eijun who still looked teary eyed. "You ready?" he asked.

Eijun smiled at Miyuki and held out his arms prepared this time.

Miyuki chuckled as he smirked, sitting down infront of Eijun so he could get on him and helped when he struggled. He carried Eijun one more time and headed to his bedroom.

"You know, I kind of like the special treatment by you. It's rare." Eijun said as he yawned, his head rssting on Miyukis shoulder.

Miyuki blushed and felt his heart beat some."Don't get used to it." He mumbled, causing Eijun to grin and kind of cheer as Miyuki rolled his eyes teasingly.

OKAY SO HOW DID ALL OF YOU LIKE MY FLUFFY ANGST? I didn't know where to end my oneshot but if anyone wants me to cintinue I'd be glad to

I know I didn't do this completly realistic but its anime so-
I had this idea stuck in my head for weeks now and finally wrote it. Hope all of you like! 💙 tryingrealllyhardtogetbackitowriting again so sorry if it sucks but hopefully it wasnt too bad😸

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