The Wedding Day

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Personal Imagine for Caroline Riggs :

You get ready as today is the big day you become ‘Mrs. Styles’. It all seems so exciting until the door cuts of your train of thought. It swings open with Harry standing with his buttons undone while he leans on the side of the door frame with a seductive smirk on his face. “Hello, soon to be Mrs. Styles,” he says. “You know, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony and close your buttons! You’re at your wedding, not some strip club, Harry,” your best friend who is your bride’s maid says to Harry, closing the door shut, giggling. “Well, a bit rude don’t you think?” He says, through the doors. “Well, I ain’t your lovely and polite wife, now am I?” Your best friend says, joking around. She opens up again and apologizes while laughing. “Oh geez, this is why you’re my best friend.” You tell her giggling. Your dresser announces you ready and all done like a finish product. You step out in front of the mirror, checking yourself out for any flaws and say, “Oh man. I hope there aren’t any flaws popping out when I get out there,” on the mirror you see Harry behind you, peeking through the gap between the door with his eyes closed this time. “Luv, don’t worry, you’re beautiful. You may not be flawless, but you’ll always be perfect to me,” he says, smiling before he leaves. You smile and your best friend says, “You’re a lucky woman, luv.” “Yeah, I truly am.” You say smiling with my cheeks blushing. You step outside, onto the long carpet where everyone awaits. You see Harry and the priest at the end of the carpet. You smile to him and it comes straight back. You start walking with a man at your side and you finally reach to Harry. Time passes as you and Harry look into each other’s eyes, waiting to hear the question the priest has to ask. The time comes and the priest asks, “Do you, Harry, take Caroline as your beloved wife?” the priest says, looking at Harry. “I do,” Harry says, smiling at you. This time, the priest looks at me and says, “And do you, Caroline, take Harry as your beloved husband?” “Yes, of course I do.” You say happily. “Then you may now kiss the bride.” The priest says, finally. Harry takes hold of the cloth before your eyes and brings your neck closer and kisses you passionately and everyone stands up, applauding and cheering. Harry had the best day of his life as he entitled the back of his car with and I’m sure you did too.


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