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When I was young my dad always left us to go to work, My mum was ill all the time and he would leave us to it. For that reason I have never loved my dad that much, don't judge though, I am sure he is probably a nice guy once you get to know him because why would my mum have married him then....

But how can you love someone that you don't know anything about?

I don't know his first name, his age, what school he went to, his favourite colour! For heavens sake I don't even know what he works as!

That was until A month ago... When mum got sick... and... I don't really want to think about what happened.... Dad, Well he got depressed, disappeared more often, Left me to myself.

But I don't mind..... Well  I do occasionally get lonely, But one week ago something changed.

I was about to go out for a walk after dinner, when a knock came from the door I opened it to find some policemen at my door, "We are very sorry to inform you miss that your father has died...." Those words changed everything.....

My parents where dead and I couldn't keep the house, I had to move in with a family friend, who I have never met...

They were nice the woman was called Sonia and the man was called Ross, They were very welcoming and all but very protective, For some reason they don't want me to go out a lot and especially not to talk to anyone in my new school.

"Why?" Was my first thoughts, But I guess I wouldn't find that out till school..... Tomorrow.....

//////////////PRESENT TIME/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

I get drove to school by Sonia, she is worried sick about me and I don't know why? She keeps mumbling stuff but I think I might not be hearing her right but it sounds like she is saying" Mmmm Wha mm He might mmmm OW NO mmm that cannot happen mmmmm could it mmm she mm killed mmmm," WEIRD.... I thought to myself, analysing in my head I heard her say, Wha, He might, OW NO, that cannot happen, could it, she, killed.... 


Stop that Jezebel! She is probably talking about something else. I think.... Finally we got there and I jumped out quicker than I expected so my head started to hurt, But I quickly said thanks to Sonia and she started freaking out so I said by and tuned her out and walked away.

After I went to the office got my timetable and my locker key I made my way to class. I finally found it and walked in to find everyone got there before me...

"I'm so sorry I am late Miss, I got lost and- " She cut me off, "No need to worry Jezebel Collins I know you are new," She states, "Please take a seat beside .... Hm let me see... uh..Oh! Chase Devon Please raise your hand so Miss Collins can see you!" Slowly a boy raises his hand one row from the back of the classroom, and I walk over to the empty seat beside him and plonk down on it, making sure not to meet his eyes which I can tell are staring directly at my head.

The teacher was the English teacher so once she handed me my books and told the class to answers the questions on pages 11-12 about Shakespeare's stories, so I put my head down and down my work, but After about a half an hour I noticed the boy beside me, Chase wasn't it? He had not started his questions at all he just sat and stared at me! WEIRDO ALERT!

"Um could you stop that," I ask him, "Stop what princess?" He asks me ignorantly! "Stop staring at me it is bloody freaking me out!" I snap back, Calm yourself Jezebel, don't blow up he is not worth it, I think to myself, "No," he says smirking, "What you going to do about it princess?" He says egging me on, Right then when I am about to kick his big ego up his ass when the bell rings and the teacher tells us to finish the questions for homework for next class, I storm out.

Only to be stopped by who do you think Chase the big headed ego man! "Wait hold up I was kidding!" He says jumping in front of me, He looks genuinely sorry but I can't believe people all the time.

"Yeah Please just leave me alone and don't talk to me again!" I say ending it with a bit of temper to my voice, "You have his quick temper but on a girl it makes you feisty," He says, SILENCE....

"Wh- What did you just say...." I ask, "Oh um never mind I- I Um got to go!" He say in a rush, he turns and starts to walk away quickly, " How do you know him!" I exclaim but he just keeps walking....

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