WWE: Full Circle

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Hello my name is Jean Rose Good but you can call me Jean.  This is my story. It was awhile ago. "Uncle Vince when are you coming to visit again?" 

I listen for his answer over the phone."I'm not sure Jean when is your next performance?" "Of what?" "Ballet." "I don't dance anymore Uncle Vince, 

and i don't ride bareback bulls anymore.You know this I told it to you when i stopped." "Must have forgot." "So you never answered my question." 

"Look out the door." I look out the door and Uncle Vince is pulling up in his limo with my cousin Stephanie. Great, Steph and i don't get along. 

"UNCLE VINCE!!!!!" i run out the door and hug him. I'm always happy when Uncle Vince has time to visit me when he's not too busy being CEO of the

WWE. "You little bugger you distracted me so i wouldn't notice you pulling up like i always do." "Yes i wanted to see if it would work. And it did." 

"That it did. So why the visit?" "We need a new Diva." "Uncle Vince i don't wrestle anymore not since i was Princess of Pain and met my husband." 

"I know but you might reconsider when we show you what your husband has been up to." "What has Jon gotten himself into this time?" "I'll show you." 

So we sit down and watch what my husband has been up to. "I'm going to kick his ass!" "Calm down Jean.Sign here." I sign the contract. "Should i be

Rose Ambrose or Brawlin Ballerina?" "We have you contracted under Rose Ambrose the Brawlin Ballerina." "Thank you. Now i'm all packed lets go." I 

travel with them. We arrive at RAW. I get in my gear. AJ Lee recognizes me. "OMG You're Jean the best Bull rider in the world, and the top Ballerina." 

"Yes i am. And you are AJ Lee the new Divas Champion." I wonder if she knows i'm married to Dean Ambrose? Oh i should probly tell you about how i'm

married to Jon. I met him when he was Jon Moxley in TNA and i was Princess of Pain. We fell in love and got married a month after we started dating. 

It was a small cerimony only us, and my Uncle Vince walked me down the aisle. My parents died in a car crash when i was 16. My Uncle Vince became my

gaurdian but allowed me to live on my own; he treats me like his own daughter, he always has. He never like my dad, he thought he wasn't good enough

for my mom, his sister. He'd step in when my dad fell short, which was alot. Him and my mom raised me, so i was always at my Uncle Vince's house. I 

grew up poor but always had nice things because Uncle Vince would spoil me, but i just gave them away. I liked being poor, you met more people that 

way. If you're rich noone wants to get to know the real you just the outside because you're rich. I never wanted that. Now that i'm famous i still 

give alot away but am rich by myself. When Jon and i got married we both were not rich and barely making enough money live. Now we are both famous 

and rich but are humble about it. Yes Jon can get violent but so can i. We really do love each other eventhough i know he keeps saying him and 

Tenille Dashwood are dating on and off. I just hope he's just saying that because if he's really cheating on me i'm going to chop his genitles off 

and keep them in the mason jar on top of our fridge. Back to the lockeroom. "Well it was nice talking to you AJ but I have to go." "Can i have your 

autograph before you go?" "Sure." So i sign her book and go off to find my husbands lockeroom. He's not in here. I listen. Oh. I come out to 

Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Jons head snaps to the ramp he knows this is my favorite song, well one of them. They just attacked Christian. 

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