How suddenly i lost Abel

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Strange things had been happening lately
 I'd hear weird sounds,
On the news one day, it was said to be some sort of apocalypse, but of course no one believed that because that's impossible.
One night i was walking home from work
I heard a loud yell and was startled. It seemed to have been coming from behind the super market building. A man was being attacked. I stood at the other side of the building and just watched. There was nothing i could do.
The attackers beat him in a rather odd manner from what i could see and walked off after, i asked my self whether i should go and see if the man's ok or not. Then i walked slowly towards him and whispered "are you alright sir? " he moaned in pain. He looked like he had been bitten but it was dark so it was hard to see.
I put one of his arms around my shoulder , lifted him and decided to take him home with  me so i could treat his wound. We got home i laid him on the couch. I looked and he had bruses all over , his nose dripped with blood and a massive bite on his leg,  "why would anyone do that? " i thought to my self. I treated all his wounds , bandaged him up and told him he could stay the night and we'll see what we'll do in the morning.
I was getting up to leave. He grabbed my arm pulled me back and said "thank you" i smiled and went to bed.
The next morning i woke up and it smelled as though someone was cooking , i go down to the kitchen and there he is making breakfast. I smiled and asked "what are you doing?" , "a lovely breakfast for a lovely lady" he limped towards me and said "this is just a thank you for what you did for me last night,  many people would've just left me there to die" he said in a calm tone "it was my pleasure " replied ,  i asked how he was feeling " he told me he's had better days. " 
We started to eat and talk. I asked him about himself he gave me a rather short description ,  basic stuff like where he from and how many siblings he had,  he told me the less i know the better. I didn't want to seem nosey so i left it as that. We were done with breakfast and i was going upstairs to get changed and then i remembered i never asked his name. I went back downstairs after getting a towel and my most masculine looking clothes. "I never got your name" i said "Abel,  Abel Tesfaye" he smiled and said "Alexis " i replied. " Well Abel Tesfaye here are some clothes and a towel, the guest bathroom is down the hall to your right " i told him .  he took the things and i went upstairs and got freshened up.
An hour or two later i go back downstairs and watch TV. And he's still in the bathroom, i knew because i could hear the shower running "Its been an awfully long time " i thought to myself. I go to the guest room and knock for a while,  no one answers i go in and knock on the bathroom door , Still no answer but the showers still running,  i open the door a little  "are you ok? " there was lots of vapour and steam from the hot shower so it was hard to see, so i walked in and closed the door and waved my hand a bit , it cleared up .
And i see him standing in front of the mirror looking at his scars with no clothes on ,  he hasn't seen me yet so i walk back towards the door slowly , i slip and fall ,  he turns around puts on a towel and picks me up " I'm so sorry i got worried , you were here for a really long time and i got worried , i knocked and called there was no answer so i thought to come in please forgive me ill go. " i wine "No no it's ok  , it was nice of you to have been concerned , don't go please. " he says.
He pushed me against the wall looks at me and falls to his knees, he puts his face on my belly , he holds me tight and starts to weep. "Whats wrong" i asked him holding his face.i take him to the room and sit him on the bed,  i go and turn off the shower and come back. And still he's weeping.
I tell him to talk to me and that im here for him.  I wipe his face and put my hand on his cheek , he holds my hand on his face and kisses it.  "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, im here whenever you're ready , get dressed come downstairs and we'll go out" i tell him .  he nods and before i close the door he thanks me.
He finished comes to the Hall, we go to the car and head out , just as im about to take a turn i almost hit someone . we get down to check , i missed this person just slightly but still i was shaking from what had happened. " are you alright " i lean in and the person grabs my leg and im yelling trying to pull my leg away but this person keeps yanking my leg harder and harder trying to bite it.  Abel kicks him in the face. Puts me in the passenger seat and speeds off " im taking you home he says angrily . "
We get home he carries me out of the car and takes me inside, puts me on the couch and brings me a glass of water . im still so startled , i cant stop thinking about what happened ,  he can see it too, he lays me down on his chest and kisses my head and tells me "everything is going to be ok. " he puts on the tv and there is an emergency broad cast.  News:Lock all windows and doors and stay inside, make no attempt to reach loved ones or go outside for any reason till further notice, an experiment on a monkey went terribly wrong , the moneky escaped and is infecting others , once infected it would take 4 days before you are totally consumed by this virus. The virus causes you to go insane and crave human flesh these creatures can be killed by shooting or stabbing the heart. If you come across such beings or know someone who has been infected. Don't hesitate. Do this before it's too late."
We both got up,  run all around the house and locked everywhere up.  And came back to sit in the hall.
"Lets just stay calm and wait this out and see what happens, just relax, calm down" he said as he layed my head on his chest. I woke up a few minutes later, laying on the bare couch. I look around and there he is staring at me smiling. "What? " i ask. He smiles and says  "Nothing. "
"Tell me about you" he says.
"Well there isn't much to know really, i grew up here, im the youngest ,  i have two sisters" i reply. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are" he says, smiling. *i blush* and sprint upstairs and lock the door. I could hear him laugh downstairs. He walked up, knocked and said "let me in please. "  i opened the door with my head down. He leans one arm against my door post above his head and puts his other on my face and tells me "i want to make love to you",  i stand there in silence. He comes in and closes the door. He holds my waist and we start to kiss, he slides his hands down between my legs and lifts me up and raps my legs around him and walks towards the bed. He lays me down gently. "Wait, wait, why were you crying earlier. " i stop him and ask,  " *sigh* you must also be wondering why i haven't mentioned anything about going home yet either, that night you found me, i was leaving my parents house, no one in my family wants anything to do with me anymore, i got into some stuff a while ago, i owed some people money, and stole money from my father to pay them back, my parents found out and my dad disowned me, I'd try and call sometimes to speak to my mum at least but my father always ends up picking up and tells me never to call again. I went to my parents house to ask for forgiveness but he sent me away. I don't want to go to my apartment because its too lonely, the thought of seeing how my mum cried haunts me everytime. Im glad you found me. " he says.  "Wow, im sorry to hear that, its all going to be alright" i said to him , held his hand and smiled. He takes my clothes of slowly and tells me im the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He takes his shirt off and puts my hand on a scar on his chest "i got this scar when i walked in on my girlfriend and my brother having sex,  we fought, she couldn't get me off him so she picked up a knife and cut the first place she could find, which just happened to have been where my heart is, she left two scars on me that day" he said,  i lean forward and kiss his scar. He lays me down and kisses me all over ,  he raises my arms above my head and leans on them and tells me to be as loud as i want, some times he'd stop thrusting and just kiss me, that's how i knew what we had going on at that moment was real. I fall asleep in his arms.
I woke up the next morning, he was still asleep, i went downstairs to watch Tv so i don't bother him, there was another emergency broad cast about what was going on . News: The situation is getting worse, the virus is spreading like a plague , the
Virus can be spread if one has been bitten ,  scratched or exchanged blood with an infected person. Symptoms would be weakness and constant hunger, if you see any of these signs do not hesitate act immediately. "
I turn off the Tv, tears filling my eyes blurring my vision, thoughts running through my head, pain, sadness.  "Abel... " i said to my self as tears rushed down my face, i start to tremble, the thought of losing him pierced my soul like a dagger being pushed into my chest , how could common intimacy have such an effect on me? i didn't understand why i felt the way i did, i just met this man, i barely even knew him yet the thought of losing him weakened me  " i, i, what should I do, I've fallen in love with him, its been 3 days already... Do i tell him?... Do i kill him?" I say to my self as i walk back and forth the Hall. I walk to the kitchen and pick up a knife, i creep upstairs and gently open the door, he's still asleep, i stare at him as he sleeps wondering what he's dreaming about , i couldn't have done this for less than 10 minutes, never have i seen a man so profound and beautiful. I grab the knife with both my hands and raise them above my head , i take my hands down closer and closer to his chest as i stare at his scars. "I can't do it" i cried as i fall to my knees and let go of the knife, it fell to the ground and made a loud noise. He wakes up and asks "what happened, are you alright, what are you doing with that knife." "I thought i heard something but its gone now" i say to him. He gets out of bed, and sits next to me on the floor, he holds my chin with his thumb and fore finger and lifts my face , looks at me and says "hey, it's going to be ok, i won't let anything to you, ill protect you. " and kisses my head, " i must have done a really good job cause im feeling a little light headed " he says as he chuckles, the signs were already starting to show, i could feel my heart breaking when he said that. He gets dressed and tells me to relax while he makes us something to eat. I lean back in my bed and start to think while weeping at my thoughts of what i should do , should i tell him or not , should i kill him and protect myself. After what felt like an hour of thoughts i came to the conclusion that i was going to tell him. "Alexis come down let's eat" he yells from downstairs. I go down and everything smelled so good and the food looked absolutely devine. Just as i was about to take a seat he stops me pulls my chair out and tucks it in as i sit down.
Some time into our meal he puts his hand on mine " I've fallen inlove with you" he says, i sit there speechless.  He walks over to me and kneels in front of me " i know i haven't known you for that long but ive never been so sure ,  i want to take care of you , I want to make you happy, see your smile everyday if possible , I know i haven't been the best with women, im not the best looking guy or the most stable but im going try , for you" he says as he stares into my eyes. I kneel down, hug him and whisper into his ear "im glad i found you that night"  he lifts me up and spins me around, i couldn't bring myself to tell him, i didn't want to ruin the moment. I grab his hand and pull him while running upstairs. We get comfortable in the covers and put on a horror movie which turned out to be more laughs than screams. After a good laugh we fall asleep in each others arms, i had never felt so loved.
I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face, i stretch my arm and i feel he isnt next to me . i go downstairs and there are dishes and empty food cans everywhere, "Abel what's all this? " i ask "forgive me, i just got so hungry all of a sudden, ill clean up as soon as im finished" he replies. I go upstairs to shower, thoughts still bothering me . i get out of the shower and tell myself everything's going to be alright ,i get dressed and walk downstairs with a smile on my face , i see Abel watching Tv, he had a certain look on his face ,which made me lose the smile i had on "what are you watching? " i ask. He doesn't answer, i walk towards him and see he's watching the news. He turns off the TV "I've been infected " he says as he stares at the blank screen with a sad look on his face. "Did you know" he asks still staring at the TV. "That explains what you were doing with the knife yesterday. He says, gets up and walks away. It starts to rain, i walk up to my room and Abel isn't there, i walk to the window and stare at the rain , angry with myself for not telling him and allowing him to find out the way he did. I lay in bed and start to read a book. A few minutes later Abel walks in holding a knife, i stare at him confused , " here, finish what you started, make it quick " he says. I sit and stare with sadness in my eyes . "what are you waiting for? Do it! " he yells "i wasn't able to do it last night! Why would you think today would be any different! "I cried " what do you want then! Tell me what you want! " he yells " I want you! I-i- love you " i cry as i gently take the knife out of his hand . he grabs me tightly ,as he pants,  his rage slowly falling "I love you too, im sorry , I'm so sorry" he says as he kisses my head repeatedly. "Todays our last night together, lets make the most of it" i say as i walk towards the bathroom and fill the tub with hot water, i stand in front of the tub and take off my dress slowly, he walks towards me as he takes off his belt. "Youre the most beautiful thing I've Ever seen" he says in my ear. He carries me into the tub and lays me on his lap , he lays his head on my shoulder from behind , he moves his hands all along my body so passionately and he kisses my ear, he tells me to close my eyes and just relax in his arms and to treasure this moment and clear my mind, to feel safe in his arms,to feel at ease,  he sang a song he told me he wrote when he was just s little boy , he dreamed of singing for as long as he could remember but his dad never approved of it, he sang in the sweetest voice , it made me feel so good . a while later we get out of the tub , he tells me to wait in the bathroom and closes the door. After some time he comes in and covers my eyes,he walks me out while covering my eyes "are you ready" he asks. He takes his hands off my eyes. And what do i see? Scented candles , my panties arranged in the shape of a heart on my layed bed "sorry i used your panties, you didn't have any chocolates. "  he says. I start to cry, "no ones ever done anything this sweet for me before, why can't this Last forever? ! Why does nothing good ever last? ! " i yell as i cry beating on his chest. "Shhh shh , don't think about that, only think of this moment, nothing else relax, let me please you , you deserve the best and that is what im going to give you" he says as he picks me up and gently drops me on the bed. "Do you trust me"he asks as he leans over me, i nod my head , he kisses my neck and slides his hands downwards , between my thighs and rubs his fingers against me, i moan slowly, my breathing gets slower and slower,with each thrusts i moaned a little louder , rapping my legs around his waist tighter and tighter,  never had i ever felt so powerless in a man's arms, i could feel his heartbeat, his hot breath on my neck, he had me in his control , i had surrendered my body to him and he treated it fairly. After we were done. I confessed something to him. Which he showed a lot of concern in and for some reason made him happy to know. l told him he was my first. He smiled and kissed me, he seemed so happy." Let's go to sleep " he said as he clenched me closer to him.
The next morning we are woken up by loud noises, what seemed to be gunshots. We look out the window and see people being dragged out of their homes and driven away, men coming out of black vans with guns shooting people saying "go go go" . All of a sudden 3 men break my door down and enter holding guns , they start to pull Abel and i out down stairs.  "Where are you taking us ? " i ask one man "we are quarantining all those who haven't been infected yet" he says. Abel and i turn and look at each other. We get outside and just as we're about to enter the car, one man See's the bite on Abels leg. They push me in the car and without wasting any time they shoot Abel in the chest. "Noooooo! " i scream as i pound the glass on the car door, He stared at me as he fell to his knees ,he streched out his arm and said what looked to be "i love you" they speed off  with me in the car, all i could hear was a loud beeping sound as though the line went flat on a heart moniter and the repeated sound of gun shot that ended Abel , i didn't even get to say goodbye. I leaned back in my chair in shock, with my jaws almost hitting my breasts , my body trembling, my heart felt as though it would explode any moment. We get to the quarantined sight ,  a man pulls me out of the car . it looked like a really big warehouse with lots of people who looked scared some were even weeping .
A week later everyone is sent back home, a gentleman walks me to my door "im sorry for your loss,  i too lost someone" he says, i look at him and smile but a sad smile i gave him. I open the door gently. everything i looked at everywhere i looked reminded me of Abel , i walked over to the dinning table and moved my hand along its marble top as i imagened seeing Abel eat across me. I walked up the stairs, the room just as we left it that morning i lost Abel.  I left everything the way it was and went to sleep so it would feel as though Abel was near me. I woke up the next morning took a shower and told myself i was going to be strong,i cleaned the place up and went out and bought a rose and a grave stone and had the stone engraved with words from my heart.  I took it to the cemetery, dug a hole and burried it in the sand the stone said "Abel Tesfaye ,  gone so suddenly, left without even saying goodbye,  even when you had the chance to , instead your last words were " i love you " ... Till we meet again my love . " i kissed the rose and dropped it on the stone. I was leaving and i started to feel dizzy , my eyes start to shut.
I wake up and look around i was in a hospital bed .  a nurse walks in with a clip board she asks how im feeling , dizzy i say, "what happened? Why am i hear? " i ask "you fainted in a cemetery,  you were brought here by a taxi driver" she replies . "well, am i ok? " i ask "congratulations miss, you're a week and a half pregnant" she says as she smiles and walks off. Astonished by the news , i didn't even know how to act or feel, what reaction would describe the feeling of the moment? , whether i should smile or cry, i didn't know.  I did both as i rubbed my belly and thought to myself. Im not alone Abel might be gone but he left a piece of him behind for me to love and Cherish, i close my eyes and imagine him kissing my belly  what a great father i know he would've been... I have no picture of him nor anything to remember him by , he exists in my heart and there he would remain forever , just this child i have growing in my womb , until i have the privilege of holding his child in my arms. He only exists in my mind.

           The End.

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