Floor 'X'

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As Hayden walked through the glass doors of Lexcorp she couldn't believe what she was seeing. The last time she came to Lexcorp it was nothing more then a small building with 'Lexcorp' in small neon lights. Now it was the largest building in all of Metropolis and Gotham City combined, with 'Lexcorp' in neon lights that could probably be seen from space. Hayden continued to look around the interior of the building in awe. She had been desperately wanting to work here, but job applications were tight to work in a place like this.

Hayden walked past a coffee stand and an Internet cafe, and towards the large indoor basketball court where she stood staring at the employees playing a game. She didn't even notice the man sitting on the bar watching her until he spoke.

"As soon as I'd heard that Miss Hayden Quinn Whittemore had graduated from MIT with the highest marks of her class and was looking for a job, I simply couldn't resist." Lex said with a smirk. Hayden turned and grinned at her old friend, who got down from the bar he was sitting on and gave her a tight hug.

"I haven't seen you in years." Hayden said into his shoulder. "9 years to be exact. The last time we saw each other was at my first Lexcorp gala as the CEO." Lex replied with a slightly sad tone to his voice. Hayden pulled back to look at his face. "And now you get to see me everyday." She said with a smile that Lex returned.

"Now we have to get down to business." Lex said before tilting his head towards the elevator. Once in the elevator, Lex pressed the button which took them to the highest floor of the building. As the elevator ascended Lex kept glancing at Hayden before he finally cleared his throat and spoke. "Are you still seeing that Jackson fellow?" He asked. Hayden shook her head. "I ended things with him a couple of years ago. You always seemed jealous of him." She said with a smirk. She noticed him tense up and start fidgeting with the hem of his jacket while avoiding eye contact. "Uh..jealousy is just a sentiment which is born i-in love and which is produced by the-the fear the l-loved pers - no." Lex took a deep breath before looking directly into Hayden's eyes. "I just never liked the guy." He continued. Hayden nodded slowly and the elevator came to a stop.

He then led Hayden into his large office which was made up of four glass walls. On the wall across from Lex's desk, where a container of basketballs sat, a basketball hoop was attached. There was a flat screen television on another wall with an Xbox connected to it and a black leather couch facing the television.

Lex pulled out one of the seats in front of his desk for Hayden before walking around to his side of the desk. "Now, considering the course you studied at MIT, I have taken it upon myself to assign you to work in the Nuclear Science and Engineering department." Lex said before handing Hayden her ID badge. "To get there, you must swipe your badge over the button with an 'X' on it in the elevator. I have arranged for another employee down there to show you and teach you all of the safety instructions as well as mentor you with your work until you get the hang of it."

"Thank you so much Lex. I was honestly very surprised when I got the job offer. You know that I've always wanted to work in a position like this." Hayden said with a smile. "Anything for you, there's no one as special." Lex said, causing Hayden to blush slightly. "But I must tell you, the NSE department is highly secret. Only the employees who work in the NSE know about it and I would like it to be kept that way." Lex said. "Of course, I totally understand." Hayden replied, which received a single nod of approval.

Lex got up and walked around to Hayden and offered a hand to her. She gladly took it and stood up with his help before she was engulfed with another hug. "It makes me incredibly happy to see you again." Lex said. "You too, it's amazing to see that you're doing so well with the company." Hayden replied. "I'd better let you go and get yourself sorted." Lex said as he let go of Hayden. "Thank you again." She said, causing Lex to smile and nod once again.

Hayden left the office, walked into the elevator and searched for the floor labeled 'X' which she found underneath the button for the ground floor. She swiped her ID card across the 'X' button causing it to glow green, and the elevator to start descending. The elevator finally reached floor 'X' after what Hayden predicted to be at least 5 stories lower than ground level. Once the elevator doors opened, Hayden stepped into an incredibly large room divided into three separate rooms: a research space where each employee had their own desk and computer, a weapons space which held an enormous amount of nuclear weapons that were being built, and a power space which was working as a nuclear power plant.

All three sections were separated from each other by thick walls made of lead and outside the three rooms was a station that sprayed the entirety of an employee with an anti-radiation spray, preventing any radiation from effecting the human body. Next to this was another station that cleaned off the anti-radiation spray.

A girl with short purple hair and a nose ring walked up to Hayden. "Hi, I'm London. I'm here to help get you settled in." She said with a smile and extended her hand which Hayden shook. "Nice to meet you." Hayden replied. The two of them then went to the anti-radiation station, where they were both sprayed, and then to the research area where London showed Hayden her desk, and got her started on researching how to improve the longevity of metals under radiation. "I could definitely get used to this." Hayden thought to herself.


There you go, my first chapter done. I hope you enjoyed it :) Please comment or message me with any ideas you might have for the future chapters! Also I picture Hayden as Barbara Palvin ( there's a picture of her )

Thanks for reading, I'll update soon :)
- B

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