Chappy Chappy

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(Yeah, I did just title this chappy chappy)

Your P.O.V

So, I had to get food so I didn't starve, now didn't I. Might as well go to IHOP, it was pretty close. Not that I didn't love my fans, but I was just really tired from the move yesterday, and I kinda hoped I didn't meet to many.

*Time skippy skip to Ross' wifu, IHOP!* (Btw you be vlogging as you get ready and stuff)

I get to a table rather quickly and start vlogging my eating.

I had just finished eating, when a large group of teens walked into the restaurant, and spotted me.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S Y/C/N," (your channel name, your main channel) One of the girls screamed.

After signing some papers and taking some pictures with the girls, they all left. (Yeah, I was lazy, just make up what happened!!!!!)

I paid the bill and got up to leave. As I opened the door, a man with brown curly hair bumped into me. Why did he look so familiar?

"Oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was go- hold on, ARE YOU Y/C/N," he yelled as he helped me up.

I smiled. "Yeah, the one and only," I did jazz hands. I then realized where I knew the guy from It was THE Skydoesminecraft! "Oh my gosh! You're Skydoesminecraft!"

"You watch me?!! Oh my god! I'm so sorry for fangirling, but I am like, your biggest fan EVER!!!!!"

"I didn't know you watched me! That's epic!" I add.

"Heh, I guess, hey, do you wanna join me for lunch?"

"Um, I can't, I just finished eating and I need to get home and do some recording and shit, sorry, but hey, here's my number so we can keep in touch, I mean, if it's ok with you that is."

"OH MY GOD YASS!!! Oh, erm, I mean, heh, yeah, that's fine! Maybe you can work at the offices with us now that you live here in Bellevue," Adam yelled excitedly.

"We'll see, well, talk to ya later Adam!"

"Bye Y/N! Talk to you later!"

As I walked away, I heard a cheer from Adam and smiled. I didn't watch much of his channel, considering I had so little free time, but when I did get a chance, it was who I watched! I haven't been able to watch his videos in about a year sadly, I was just too busy! Oh well, now's my chance to get to know him!

I got home and began wondering what Max was thinking about now. Wow, I missed that douche.

Max's P.O.V

As I walked up to the IHOP with Ross, TimTim, John (Barney) and Michael (Red), Adam ran up to us squealing.

"Woahs, what's wrongs Adam," the dirts said.


Ross' jaw dropped. Adam always told us he was y/c/n's biggest fan, which he was, but I bet you anything that he was her second.

"WHAAAAA??????" Ross screamed. Personally, I just didn't watch youtube. I just liked editing videos, so I just got a table for us and waited for everyone to stop fangirling.

I wondered if Adam was going to have her join the offices. I really hope not, I don't need someone else teasing me.

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