Chapter 15

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The four followed the maid down the many hallways of the mansion in silence. Akane was looking at the many beautiful portraits hanging on the wall and the decorative ceiling and carpet. Suddenly those in front of her came to a sudden halt and Akane almost dumped into Tenten but managed to stop herself just in time. She looked past Tenten to see what was going on when she was a young man of about maybe 17 with black hair and red eyes. He was in casual clothes with black trousers and black top and a red racket over the top. It was clear that he was rich and important though. As soon as the maid saw him a blush crept onto her cheeks.

"Good afternoon Master Itsuki." She said as her face continued to get redder. The boy called Itsuki smiled at her.

"Afternoon Yuki. How are these people?" He asked looking at the four of them. His eyes instantly landed on Akane, ignoring Tenten and the guys completely.

"They are leaf shinobi, guests of your Father." She explained.

"You must be the son that is about to turn 18." Lee confirmed a loud.

"I am indeed and you are?"

"Rock Lee and these are my comrades. Neji, Tenten and Akane, our Sensei is currently speaking with your Father."

"Right." Itsuki said although her clearly wasn't interested in what he was saying. The way he was looking at Akane was starting to make her feel flustered. She had never been under a guy's gaze like that before. He was very handsome and he was clearly a lady's man. Akane wasn't the only one that noticed how he was looking at her through. Neji and Tenten had seen it, Neji looked annoyed while Tenten had a strangely evil smirk on her face. Lee remained completely oblivious as always.

"I was just showing our guests where they will be staying tonight." Yuki the maid told him.

"I see, well allow me to take them the rest of the way. You have have a break." He said with a warm smile. It was a smile that would make anyone's heart melt and Akane heard Tenten let out a small admiring sigh next to her.

"Th-thank you Master." She said. She bowed to him and then she left.

"You're rooms are just around the corner." He said leading the way for them.

"Wow, he's dreamy isn't he? I mean a total player but still nice to look at. Oh and the way he was looking at Neji's totally jealous."

"Wh-what? No he's not, these nothing to be jealous about."

"Sure there is. Maybe you should, like talk to this guy. Make Neji realise what he's missing."

"Tenten that's ridiculous. Neji doesn't see me like that and anyway using another guy like that is just wrong." She said.

"Who said you'd be using him? You might actually like this guy. He might even be enough to take your mind of Neji."

"My mind's not on Neji."

"I'm not thick Akane. I know that something happened between the two of you back there and that's what's put you in such a bad mood. I'd say it's something like you've finally come to realise your love for him and your sad because you've got it into your head that he had no interest in you."

"I had no idea you were so good at analysing. It's true though, I know I'm in love with Neji but I know nothing's going to happen. I mean what chance do I have with a guy like Neji?"

"More than you think. I told you the other day that he seems to treat you differently to other girls. He might be interested, you can't say that he definitely isn't. Pretty much every guy we have met has commented on your beauty and Neji will probably notices it too he just hasn't said anything. Anyway I think we should just see how this all plays out don't you?" She asked with a smile. Akane frowned at her. She was planning something, she knew it but just as she opened her mouth to ask her what it was she was interrupted.

"This is the lady's room and the men's room is just to the left." Itsuki told them drawing their attention to him. "Feel free to go in them." He said urging them on. Lee and Neji entered their room and Tenten and Akane went into their. It was a large room a large single bed pressed against the wall. It had four wooden posts, decorative covers and had a thin pale red curtain hanging from it's room going all the way around the bed.

"Looks like we're sharing a bed tonight then." Said Tenten placed her bad on the bed and lumping down beside it. "Geez this is comfy. Akane you have to try this." She said. Akane rolled her eyes but joined her friend on the bed. It felt like laying on a cloud, it was so soft and warm.

"Yeah that is nice." She agreed outloud.

"See, I never steer you wrong."

"Expect when it comes to Neji." Akane said quietly so Tenten didn't hear. She appreciated everything Tenten was trying to do for her but honestly she just wanted to leave the situation as it was. With Neji remained unaware of her feelings for him, it would keep things simple.

"I see that the two of you are enjoying the bed." Said the voice of Itsuki from the door. Both Akane and Tenten lifted their heads to look at him.

"Yeah it's really comfy." Said Tenten putting her head back down. Akane continued to look at him. He was kind of nice but he was the son of their client, having any kind of relationship that wasn't proffesional was out of the question. Beside in two days she would be leaving anyway and they would probably never see each other again. That's assuming that something happens in the short time span of two days. Akane sighed and rested her head back on the bed. Tenten glanced at her and smiled.

"There were imported actually from a small village near the coast. These are some of the comfiest beds around." He said coming further into the room. Akane sat up and the two locked eyes. She smiled nervously at him while he gave her one of his award winning smiles. "Dinner shouldn't be too long. For now you have do as you please but if you will excuse me I have things to take care of." He bowed to Akane and then left the room.

"Just admit it you like the guy." Tenten said when the door closed.

"I don't know. This whole love business is so confusing." She said getting frustrated. Tenten sighed and sat up.

"Let me put it simply for you. You're in love with Neji but you have a crush on that guy. A crush is something that happens quickly and often fades over time. Love is something that develops over a long period of time." 

"But I haven't know you guys that long. It's been what...a week and a half. How do I know what I have for Neji is love and not just a crush that fades over time?"

"Tricky question. Okay do you want to be with Neji? I mean like do you want go on dates with Neji? Hold his hand? Call yourself his girlfriend?"


"Do you want to do that with that guy?"


"Then there's your answer. You want to be with Neji but don't want that with that guy, you maybe want to kiss him at most, it's a physical attraction. Things like that fade." Tenten said. She sighed and slumped back down on the bed. Akane looked at the door where he had left.

"Yeah maybe you're right..."

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