The day people found out

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I put this up here because well I have no clue really maybe it could help in a way it's no story, fan fic or any thing like that its jut something I sent to a few guys from my school that like to think I am a guy.. Yep you read right they think I am one of them.

Well my name is Brooke and I get bullied just like the rest of you so I finally snapped and got sick of being called a guy so as I said before I sent this to a group of guys that think its "funny" to bully me about being a guy went truly I am a girl. I hope it can help if you get bulled by guys that think your some one your not or you can message me and I can write one I won't add names or any thing I will never but I just want to stop all this bullying that goes around.

I also get bullied in other ways from people at my school but I just don't listen but now I am fed up.

I did as well it's called the day everyone found out I was a girl it goes like this:

Get this in your head all of you're . all I am pretty sure u know I am a girl from when I were tight tops or others that show I have BOOBS and when I wear school shorts were my so called dick is its flat and there no bumps there what so ever and there never has and never will so that shows I am a girl you also, you think I have a deep voice well I would love for u to meet my family that I know because they have deep but lady like voices as well so there i have it, and most importantly I also have hips and guys don't have hips, still don't believe me well here is a shocker I get my delightful period once a month and oh boy it's fun so I am able to have a babey and keep it In between my hips for 9 months so yeah I get my period do u ""lads/boys/men * or what ever you call your selfs"" get ur period no u don't and you don't carry babies so unless your weird in the head and there is something wrong with you. So next time u think I am a guy and its funny to call me Brock its not your just making your self look bad and it may seem funny but really grow up and don't be so pathetic little boys, and I am pretty sure you are able to produce cum so lets call you big boys shall we so all you big boys that think and joke around about me being a man think again because I am 100% a girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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