Technically, You'd Need Two Bullets!

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What do you do when you find a body on the beach?  I mean, what do you actually do?  Someone needs to come over to me and tell me what the hell I'm meant to do.  I kneel next to her, swallowing nervously as I look her over.  I fumble in my pocket for my lighter and hold it carefully under her nose, almost wilting with relief as I watch steam appear on the surface.

She's alive!!

"You can't sleep here, Blondie." I tell her as I shake her shoulder.  Her skin's freezing, but if she's breathing, I don't really care if she's freezing.  I shake her shoulder again, almost jumping in shock as her eyes flutter open and stare up at me.

Wow.  Blondie has pretty stunning eyes.

"C'mon, lassie, up y'get." I sigh as I wrap my arm around her slim shoulders and pull her to her feet carefully.  She better live close by, I think as I catch sight of the time on my watch.  The girl breaks away from me, shivering in the thin white robe that is quite possibly the only thing she has on.

Must.  Keep.  Eyes.  On.  Face.

"Look," I sigh as she takes an unsteady step away from me, crossing her arms defensively.  "D'you have a name?" I ask as I glance at the delicate bracelet hanging from her bony, pale wrist.  I squint at the thin piece of silver that has something engraved on it.  If I had my glasses, I'd probably be able to read it.

Blondie stares at me silently, shivering as the air whips her sodden blonde hair into her face with quiet slaps.  Is she a mute?  I'd hate to be a mute; how frustrating would sex be if you couldn't make a sound?

Especially if you were the lass...

"Look, do you need help?" I sigh as I fold my arms.  Blondie blinks slowly before her sea green eyes slide away from me and stare across the grey water that's steadily making its way up the beach.  I quirk my eyebrow as I watch her sit back amongst the seaweed, her round eyes focused solely on the water.

Well...that's a wee bit insulting.

"D'you want to drown?" From the way she's staring at the water, it looks as if she wants to jump right in.  She tilts her head back and stares up at me, blinking slowly as she shook her head slightly before returning her hypnotic stare to the waves.  Right.  That's it.  I'm not going to just leave her here!  I might be a prick, but I'm not going to leave a lass to drown.

I scoop the girl up easily and move her away from the rising tide, trying not to look at her face as I feel her eyes burning into my skin.  That's a hell of an evil eye, I think as I carefully set her back on her feet under the pier.  Blondie gazes up at me with furious green eyes, starting to walk back towards the sea.

If she doesn't want to be saved, she can just go.  I'm not going to waste my time trying to save someone who doesn't want to be saved.  Mam taught me well enough that if someone wants to leave, they'll just sod right off.

I jump up and swing myself back onto the pier, patting my pocket to make sure my lighter's still safe before starting back towards the town.  Who cares if that lass wants to go drown herself?  It isn't like there's ever a shortage of the female variety in this pathetic excuse for a town I call home.

Losing one won't make that big a difference in the long run.


"Where're the twins?!" Dad's frantic voice hits my ears as I open the front door and I sigh wearily.  Sometimes I think dad was the one who should have been contemplating suicide; the guy was either frantic or sobbing at all times.

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