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*10;30 pm*
desi doe; did i do something wrong?

desi doe; did i?

desi doe; sam?

desi doe; sammy please answer me

desi doe; please im sorry

desi doe; sammy im really sorry

desi doe; at least tell me if you're alright?

desi doe; god damn it sam im sorry okay

desi doe; god sam fucking answer me please

desi doe; sammy answer me please i need to know if you're okay

desi doe; please sammy im on the verge of crying please

desi doe; sammy please fucking answer me im worried about you

daddy wilk; can you fucking stop?

desi doe; what?...

daddy wilk; im with my girlfriend can you stop texting me

desi doe; i didn't know you had a girlfriend?

daddy wilk; well i do so stop fucking texting me and go with your petty ass boyfriend

desi doe; what the hell did i do that made you so fucking pissed?

daddy wilk; you didn't do anything im just with my girlfriend now hop off my dick and leave!

desi doe; i knew you were a fuckboy

daddy wilk; okay and so what if i am? you're a hoe now leave

desi doe; yet you texted me and started flirting with me right off the bat

daddy wilk; i was playing with your feelings you dumbass bitch who the hell would like you? you're ugly af you're a whore you're a total bitch don't get ahead of yourself sweetheart no one likes you get that through your fucking head and leave me the fuck alone

*read at 11;00 pm*

*Desi's P.O.V*

i sit in my room crying not over some fuckboy only what he said i really shouldn't let things like that affect me but they do and i can't help it "who did it? who do i have to kill? who do i have to slay?" my best friend storms into my room and sits next to me i start bawling and she comforts me as much as she can "shhh it's okay desi he isn't worth your tears or time don't cry over some guy who doesn't see how perfect or beautiful you are" she says "that's not why im crying" i say and i unlock my phone and show her the messages "oh" was all she said.

"yep" i say

sorry for the slow updates

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