I am Bad. Thats all there is to it! I steal... from the rich and famous. Whatever you want, Ill get it and thats a gurantee.
For 14 years i have been doing this. I am now 18 and am PRO at what i do. They call me Shadow.. Because no matter who im stealing from.. I NEVER get caught.. EVER! You want a pair on Niall Horan's knickers? Ill get them. Maybe a pair of shoes from George Clooney tell me when by and ill have them to you a day before. Believe me.. Im good.
At the moment im on a mission. A very hard one.. Probably the hardest yet! Some FanGirl from Australia requested i get a hair strand and a pair of shoes from each member of One Direction.. So here i am sitting outside their "Hidden" apartment.. Planning my next move.
This is just a trial. If you like it.. COMMENT