Part 15 - "Operation: Infiltrate the Directory is a go!"

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I woke up pretty early the next morning. I sat up and stared at the wall for a while before deciding to get up. I got dress and slipped my wand in my bag. I walked downstairs to the lobby. "Good morning miss." greeted the innkeeper. I smiled and greeted him. "Could you deliver a message to my friends when they are awake and tell them I headed out for food and to message me?" I asked him. He nodded and I walked out. I headed down the road into the shopping center. I stopped in front of one of the stands and was looking for some food for the gang. "See anything you like?" asked the girl. My messenger vibrated with an incoming call. "One second." I said as I opened my messenger and answered.

"Morning." I greeted.

"Man, youre up early." Rena's voice said from the other end.

"Yeah, what would you guys like to eat?" I asked as I looked over the fresh fruit and bread.

"I don't know." she said. "What do you guys want?" I heard her ask.

"Oh I want some lizard jerky!" I heard Raven say.

"Tell the runt I want fried crackers and some soda." I heard Add say, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I request whole grain bread and herbal juice." Eve's toneless voice said.

"Did you get that?" Rena asked.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I replied.

"I will take some apples and juice."

"Okay, see you in a bit." I said and hung up. I told her what I wanted and she gathered it in a bag and I paid for it. As I was walking back I once again got the feeling that someone was following me. I picked up my pace and I noticed the sound of footsteps following in sync. I glanced behind my shoulder, but didn't see anyone. I picked up my pace again and the footsteps returned. I kept glancing back, but still no one is there. I'm almost to the inn. I glanced back once more, but this time I caught a brief glimpse of someone... at least I think it was someone. I was so caught up in watching it, I didn't even notice the arms wrap around me.

I let out a squeak and turned to see Raven.
"Hey, you were so spaced out you almost ran into the door." he said. "Oh... sorry..." I say, stealing glances in the direction of the person that was no longer there. He followed my sight and looked in confusion. "You okay?" he said. "Huh, yeah. I got the food." I quickly said, holding up the bag. He smiled and grabbed it happily as we walked in. "She has brought the food!" he said. "Finally, I'm starving." Add grumbled as he grabbed his stuff out of the bag. Rena and Eve thanked me and we went back to Rena's room to discuss the plans.

"So, I believe that we should try and get the map of the castle." Raven stated. "Oh, and how are we supposed to get those?" Add said sarcastically. Raven shot him a quick glare, before continuing. "We need someone to infiltrate the directory in the main stead of the castle front." he said. We all got quiet. I mean there is no possible way for this to be pulled off... I thought. Or is there? "Who would do it though?" I asked. They all turned to me. "W-What?" I stammered. "I think you and Eve would be perfect for this." Rena said. I looked at them like they were crazy. "W-Why me? Wouldn't Add be better?" I said quickly. "The runt's got a point." he added. "No, we need you as the look out." Rena retorted. Add let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. I let out a groan. "Okay. We go at nightfall?" I asked. "We go at nightfall." they confirmed.

*Time skip, brought to you buy Author-chan's laziness*

We ducked into the bushes, catching our breath. "Eve, Aisha, you know the plan?" Raven asked. I nodded. "Go in, Eve will guide her, Add, and I through the halls and to the main stead. Add will remain the look out and will give us a signal in case of trouble. You guys will wait out here as reinforcements and make sure no one comes in or out, besides us." I recited. They all nodded and we commenced the plan. We wished each other good luck and separated.

"My information shows that if we follow up this hallway 15 more meters and turn left it will direct us to the necessary hallway." Eve explained as she swiped her screens. "Any sign of guards?" Add asked. "Yes, two will be coming down this hall in .009 seconds. Meaning we need to hide in .00-" she started. "Hide!" I yelled, interrupting her. We hid behind an armored statue and a pot and waited for the heavy footsteps of the guard to disappear. After they were gone we came out. "No offense Eve, but you really need to warn us earlier." I sighed. "If that is necessary, fine. Since you humans cannot move at even 50% of nasod speed I will warn you." Eve said as she swiped through her screens. I could see the annoyance on Add's face at that comment. We hurried down the halls till we came to the directory. "If you see anyone give us a warning." I said. "Yeah, whatever." he said. "Just hurry up!" I rolled my eyes and we slipped into the room. "You take the left part, I will take the right." I instructed Eve. She moved silently to the other part of the room and looked through the drawers and database. I flipped through files, but stopped at one that surprised me. Elsword Academy. I stopped and pulled it out and opened it. It had a bunch of scribbles and side notes on a sheet a paper. I looked at the most recent page and read it.

Elsword Academy.


It seems that Elsword Academy has made a mission task force. It first started out to prove to be a minuscule threat to my plan, but now they have begun to suspect me. Unfortunately they have proven to be a bigger problem to begin with. It seems, from recent intel, that they have noticed the disappearances in the towns folk and will be sending a team that consists of 5. Students names were Add, Aisha, Eve, Rena, and Raven.

I skipped over some till something caught my attention.

Best option is to terminate the party. Ways to do that haven't been decided, but it has been proven that if they become too much of the problem, the plans will have to be put forth sooner.

Just then there was a small knock on the door, signaling that there are people coming. I quickly stuffed the paper back into the file and stuffed the file back in the drawer before shutting it and hiding.

"Yeah, the plan is going smoothly." the voice said followed by the door opening and closing. There was some rustling, then it stopped. "Yes.... No... Yeah, they have been snooping around.... No, townsfolk.... No it's been handled.... Yes... okay..." the voice said. There was a silence, some drawers opening and closing then the door opened and closed as a sign they were gone. We came out. "Got it?" I asked. She nodded, holding up a long tube. I nodded and we opened the door and peaked out, seeing that the coast was clear we went out. There was no sign of Add. "Where is he?" I said out loud. "Up here runt." his voice said. I looked around confused then looked up and saw him floating up high on his metal plates. He floated down and stepped off of them onto the ground. "Got everything? It sure as hell took you long enough." he said with an annoyed sigh. "Yes, but we need to go. I found out something you all need to know." I said. He looked at me confused, but I hurried off in front of him and we hurried back to the hiding spot were Raven was pacing and Rena looked worried, but at the sight of that they stopped. "Oh thank god. I was so worried." Rena said, giving me a hug. "Yeah, you guys were in there WAY longer than the initial plan." Raven said. "I need to talk to you guys, but we can't do it here." I said quietly. They all nodded and we hurried back to the inn. We all sat in Rena's room.

"We got the map, but I found something else." I said. "What did you find?" Raven asked. "I found some files. One of them was for our school and naturally I looked in it and found the most recent paper. It shows that Wally KNOWS. He knows why we're here. He knows that we've been snooping around he it said the best option was to terminate the party." I explained, taking a deep breath afterwards. We all sat in silence for a few minutes. "Well then that just means we gotta be more careful. If that bastard knows then that means we have to be more careful and cover up our tracks. We will have to be extra careful tomorrow." Add said, nonchalantly. "Yeah. We got this. This is our first mission, we will not fail!" Raven said, clenching his fist and looking off in the distance. Man, my friends are weird. I thought with  smile. "Yeah! WE WILL SUCCEED!" Rena said with a smile. Eve just nodded.
"Yeah. Let's end his plans." I laughed, joining in on their encouragement party.

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