Ironhide x reader

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(You are a female Cybertronian Medic named Red Flair [My OC])

"Glad that we could both find time to have this date, Hide~ How did you possibly get Ratchet to let you off of the berth, let alone come out onto solid soil. I've been trying for months to get him to get out of his home and office and he shrugs me off like I'm some pest, like the twins were with my sister back on Earth! That was, till they started dating..." I commented looking down to the ground. "It's annoying that they do that to me..."

"Well doc, that's is literally Ratchet you described. There ain't nothin you can do about it but deal. So don't go n' beat yourself up 'bout it." Hide pulled me into the bar with two fingers.

So, yeah, I'm a light weight. "So this is where you wanted to go? I thought you wanted to go to some "club" not a bar..."

"This is a club, a club for mechs. I didn't necessarily think you were coming along. Though, I'm pretty happy ya did."

I looked up at Hide and saw that he was genuinely happy that I was there. He had a full on smile that, maybe in a way, made his scares less prominent on his face. His chin looked much less pronounced with how bright he was. If anything, he looked-

"Hide!" Bluestreak pranced over, his wings fluttering as if he was trying to fly.

Prowl was not far behind his little brother, my sister holding onto her newly bonded fast. They had been bonded for a little less than a week if I remembered right. Dekka gave a small, *I know that Look* smirk when she saw how Ironhide was holding my waist. Hide must have seen it too cause as soon as she gave it, he let go. Blue quickly had taken my place in Hide's arms in a cute little hug. Blue absolutely loves hugs.

"Hey, little Blue! How's it goin?" Bluestreak started to dance in place as Prowl and my sister caught up.

"I just got out of the apartment Jazz was staying in and some femme came and Jazz said that I should get home here soon but its only like one in the afternoon and so I think Jazz and her are dating though knowing Jazz they're old friends that decided to spend the day together but there was something about how he looked at her that made me think that he liked her and the way she looked at him is like how Smokey looks at the high-grade goodies that he see's at the market sometime and he looks at them like their some hot femme! Anyways like I was saying I hope Jazz doesn't go and flirt her away cause she's really nice though she treated me like a sparkling-"

"Wait, little Blue, you mean some femme came over and Jazz wanted to be alone?" Blue nodded and Hide laughed and put a hand on my shoulder. "Some femme can look past Jazz's bad flirting?! Never thought I would see the day!"


Jazz's POV

"What's that look for?" She asked as we sat on the couch.

"Imma be right back, sweet cheeks~"

"What? Wait, where are you going?!"


"Quick question Hide, why did you choose this bar for the date?" Dekka asked and I winced.

"Cause I didn't think she would come." Hide said casually as he walked away from us and took a seat at a booth.

I looked over at Dekka as she smiled and dragged Blue and Prowl away from me. Blue was still going on about Jazz and the strange femme that he was staying with. Looking back at Ironhide, my sisters question and his answer still ringing in my head, he thinks this is a date? Is it a date? My face began to burn bright red and I though more about turning and leaving. That was till Ironhide came up and started to drag me to the booth and sat me down on the seat across from him. As he sat down, the bar tender left his station and brought two cubes of high-grade with him, setting them down in front of us.


Later that night, Hide had brought me back to his place.

"Hmmm~" He groaned as he pulled me into him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Smell's like cherries."

One of his hands started to travel down farther and farther as I brought my lips to his. Tasting the tangy high-grade, I soon became hung on him and how he tasted. The more I kissed him, the closer we got to the counter. My feet left the ground as Hide lifted and placed me there. Then we began our down spiral into lovely connections.

Hey guys, I finished another chapter! Are you proud?! I spent SO FRAGGING LONG ON IT! Now its time to do one with Megs.... -.- We'll see how it plays out ^~^ Oh well, catch ya lovie dovies later~

Till all are one~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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