When Fire falls

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It started out as a normal day at the guild, but Natsu walked into the guild. Gray started trying to pick a fight with Natsu but he just didn't have it in him. He sat at the bar where Erza slid next to him, the S-class wizard looked at the fire Mage sensing something was wrong. " Natsu, is something troubling you"? asked the scarlet haired wizard. Then something that has never been seen before happened, Natsu the indestructible wizard shed a single tear. Then more and more fell, by now the whole guild was looking. No one had every seen him cry like this, Lucy being the closest to Natsu placed her hand on his shoulder " What's wrong Natsu, do you want to talk about it"? The dragon slayer, with fire in his eyes yelled at the celestial Mage "Piss off, your not my...." He suddenly stopped . "I..uh gotta go" he grabbed and knife from the bar counter and ran out the door. "I'll find him" Erza volunteered, Makarov looked at Erza and said " We want to help the boy, not kill him" Erza whispered in the old mages ear "Natsu is very dear to my heart, and I want him to be safe" no one else could hear her, but Makarov understood. The old man blushed and smiled "My children are growing up". The re-quip Mage rushed out the door to find Natsu


Natsu was in his house, and could not stop crying. He cried like a little boy, he had lost Igneel. His death brought by Zeref, a dark Mage. Natsu found him on his last mission, but today...he has lost his father. Natsu was mostly ashamed, he was to weak to help his father. Igneel payed the ultimate price to save Natsu. After hours of cutting himself and crying, Erza knocked on the door. "Natsu, are you okay? May I come in, everyone is concerned about you". Natsu furiously wiped his eyes and cleaned his cuts. "Yeah sure, you can come in, I guess". Erza slowly opened the door, and was horrified at what Natsu looked like "Natsu...what'd you do to yourself" Natsu looked down in shame, then another unexpected thing happened Erza hugged Natsu tight. "Natsu, come sit down lets talk about this. You need to tell me at least, I want to help". As Natsu told Erza what happened, she put her arm around him and held him as he sobbed. Erza was surprised with Natsu for once in his life. He walked out side and let his emotion go, Erza saw Natsu Dragneel unlock third origin. She started watching Natsu's power increase by the second. His body wasn't ready for that kind of power yet he kept pushing himself. Soon it was affecting him in more ways than one , Erza knocked him out to stop his flow of energy. She carried Natsu inside, and laid him down gently. The Mage looked at the peaceful sleeping Natsu, and smiled to herself. She started to pick up around his house, and when the job was finished she read a book. It was about 6:00 and figured Natsu hadn't eaten she was hungry herself, so she looked in his fridge. She gasped and saw a strawberry cheesecake with a note next to it titled " To Erza" . She read the note, which said " Erza, I know I cause you stress and headaches, but I mean well. I made this cake to tell you thanks, for saving me all those times. For being here for me, even when I made you angry. I care for, you are truly a wonderful woman, Mage, and friend. Your one of the most magnificent people I've ever met, from Natsu". Erza was shocked, she glanced over at the pink haired Mage, then walked over next to him. " Natsu, your not to bad yourself", she then leaned in to kiss the dragon slayers forehead. The second her lips touched his forehead, Natsu awoke. "Erza, what are you doing" Erza smiled and blushed, "Natsu, I saw the cake you made me". Natsu smiled "Damnitt Erza, it was a surprise". She eased the dragon slayer back into sleep, he needed the rest. Erza herself was getting tired and eventually fell fast asleep against Nastu.


Natsu awoke to the warmth of someone else next to him, he glanced over to see Erza cuddled up against him. "She's peaceful when she's asleep" thought Natsu who suddenly blushed. She hadn't changed out of her armor, "Hey Erza" he shook her softly, "Its time to wake up" she looked up at Natsu, and her cheeks turned the color of her hair. "Natsu, what time is it?", "I don't know" he replied " After dark, you can say here if you want, I'll get your surprise out and set you up somewhere to sleep". " I'd like that Natsu, but can we go to the guild hall first? I'm sure they are all worried, plus you need to apologize to Lucy. Also congratulations, you've reached 3rd origin we need to tell master so he can promote you to an S-class wizard." He agreed to this and they set off towards the guild hall.


Walking down the street at night under the stars with Natsu seemed to calm her. "H-hey ummm Natsu can I ask you a question?" He nodded. She took a deep breath, her heart was pounding, her palms where sweaty. "C-can I hold your hand?" she asked, Natsu gave her an odd look, yet she did get his mind off of Igneel. Not just her actions, but her. He opened up his hand and Erza slid her hand into his. They held hands walking into the guild, everyone's jaws dropped when they saw this. "Looks like Natsu has a thing for a certain Mage" said Gray, this earned him a royal ass beating. "You wanna go fuck boy?" "Anytime hothead!" The two boys fought it out. Meanwhile Erza talked Makarov "You most promote him to S-class, he did reach 3rd origin". The old man took this into consideration, " I allow it, I'll file the paperwork and you can announce this, oh, and you'll be his new partner". Erza set off to find Natsu, he was apologizing to Lucy, she watched them hug and felt a pang of jealousy. "Natsu, there is something I need to announce" she stood up on the table " Listen one listen all, Natsu is now an S-class wizard, and will be working with me." The crowd of people gave cheers oooh, and a few go get you some . Erza grabbed Natsu and hauled him out of the guild "ACK!, what the hell Erza?" Erza walked him to a hotel and paid for a room. "Natsu, sit down" he did as he was told. "What do you think of me Natsu?" Natsu couldn't comprehend what any of this was about, things where happening to fast. "umm, your a strong beautiful woman?" she smiled at this. "Natsu I have feelings for you...I think I might be in love with you..." Natsu passed out on the ground.


Natsu was dreaming, but it was more of a nightmare. He saw Erza barely standing, Gray and Juvia holding each other close as the prepared to take the blow. "Where's Lucy?" He thought, then she appeared out of no where. Tears streaked her dirty and scratched face. Then it came together, he more like another him, rose from the rubble. "Where ya goin mustache face, I'm gettin fired up!" Flames ignited around the futuristic dragon slayer. "Secret dragon slayer art...FORM OF DRAGON!!!" Scales formed around the dragon slayer as Natsu watched in awe. "That will be me one day...I swear to you Igneel" thought the pink haired Mage. He suddenly woke up, in the guild infirmary.


"Wha-what happened?!" He heard a silent sob and the guild gathered around him. "Your a heartless shit aren't you Natsu?" Gray said clearly angry and all of a sudden he striped. "You made a woman cry, and that's not man!" Yelled Elfman, "What the hell is your problem lately Natsu?!" Cried Lucy. He looked around to see a certain Scarlet Mage weeping, "Erza...what's wrong...?" He got up and walked over to her. "Erza what's wrong...?" Erza couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. Natsu felt such pain, the girl he secretly loved was in pain in front of him. " I do love you" Natsu said

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