Night 4 - Interests

3 0 0

7:44 PM

Olivia Noel Angelson:
What's your favorite colour, Harry?

8:46 PM

Harry Edward Styles:
Active 5 minutes ago
Yellow. You?

Olivia Noel Angelrose:
BLACK!! <3 <3

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now

Olivia Noel Angelson:
Because all colours are my favorite. So when you combine them all, the result of all the colours is dark. A dark color that doesn't even have a name. A colour that is dark as Black. Black is the prescence of all colors. That's why.

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now
That's actually great.

Olivia Noel Anderson:
Why yellow is your fave colour?

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now
Idk. I just happen to like it.

Olivia Noel Angelson:
Ahh. Do you know how to a play guitar?

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now
Yes, I do. Why?

Olivia Noel Angelrose:
Really!! Because boys who knows how to play a guitar just attracts me.

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now
So I attract you? ;)

Olivia Noel Angelrose:
Shut up, Styles! :-P

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now
As much as I want to continue this conversation, I'm sorry but I have to sleep, it's past my curfew time.

Olivia Noel Angelrose:
It's fine let's just chat later. Nighty-night, sweet dreams. :-)

Harry Edward Styles:
Active Now
Okay. Goodnight, sweet dreams
Love you

Olivia Noel Angelrose:
*Like sent*


Thanks for reading! x

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