Secrets of Boarding school

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The Secrets of Baylor Boarding School

"What! I am going to boarding school?" I yelled at my mother.

"Well, Caylee, You know where your Best Friends, Lindsey and Erica, and your boyfriend Damen went?" my mom asked.

"Yah, Baylor Boarding School in Chattanooga, Tennessee."

"That is where you are going."

"Ok, I guess at least I will know some people there."

"Well get packing, it takes one day to get from Columbus, Ohio to Tennessee and I want to get there by the weekend. "Ok." I groaned

I stomped from the dining room table, to the trash can, threw my lunch away, and then stomped from the stairs to my room. In my room, I took my Ipod and put it on the dock and pressed play, and started packing.

-----Two Days Later---- While mom and I were in the hallway heading to my dorm some one in black ran past us. Hmm I wonder who that was and why was he running? I thought to myself.

When I got to my dorm door, I opened it to find a girl with Brunette hair, tan skin, slim body, and eyes that sparkled like diamonds.

It turned out to be my friend Erica, and then I realized there was another girl beside here. It was Lindsey. She has blond hair with brunette streaks running through it, all the way to her shoulders, and she also had a slim body with green eyes.

After they realized I was there in the doorway, they welcomed me and shown me around the dorm and where my bed was. While they were showing me around I asked them where was Damen at. They said they have not seen him for a couple of days.

Hmm I wonder where he went. I thought

I walked into the bathroom, then when I was about to turn the water on I noticed a little slit in the wall paper.

What is this? I thought

I slowly pulled on the little slit of wallpaper and a huge chunk of it was pulling with the wallpaper, Then after I tore the wall paper off, there was a knob. I pulled on the knob to find myself in another bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and I found myself in a room full of boys.

Great the boys are next door.

I sat on the couch and asked a boy named Freddy, he told me that Damen shared the dorm, and also that he has not seen him in days.

I walked out of the room and laid back on the bed. I noticed it was raining outside. I was alone for a moment until something soft jumped on me." What the heck?" I lifted my head to find a Rag doll cat. She had a white coat of long hair and has a brown mask on her face and the tip of her tail and feet had brown on them. Then Erica skipped into the room. "Hello, Caylee."

"Who is this" I asked

"This is Mittens, she is also my cat"

"Are there any more pets around here?" I asked

"There where more but disappeared the day Damen did."

"Screech, Screech"

"What is that?" Erica and I said in unison.

"Its coming from behind my lamp table" I said I moved the table to the end of my bed. Then I found a little door. Erica heard me gasp, so she ran over to me. I opened the door to find a cat and dog. I noticed the dog had a key in its mouth. Behind the pets there was a door, but it had a hole that must've come from the pets.

I took the key from the dog's mouth and put the key in the key hole, and opened the door. To find that I and Erica were is a huge room.

We heard a door close, it was Lindsey.

"Lindsey we are in here."

Lindsey found us, and we started looking around the room.

The room looked like it might have been an old library, but some one must use this room often because there was a flat screen TV in the corner.

"Now this is cool, we should use this room" Lindsey said

"Yah" Erica and I said in unison.

"Help, Help!" I heard a voice say.

Where is it coming from?" I asked

"I think it is coming from behind the bookcase." Lindsey said

We walked over to the bookcases where the sound was coming from.

"One...two...three, Pull" Lindsey said

We pulled the book cases to find a man.

"Damen!" I yelled

I ran up to Damen, and hugged him.

What Happened?" I asked

"I do not know I got hit and then blacked out, then the next thing I know I am in the back of this bookcase." Damen said

"Do you know anything about the pets?" I asked

"What pets?"


"O that was what was furry." He said

"Did you get a look at the person who hit you?" I asked

"Yes, he was wearing all black."

"I saw him when I was going to my dorm." I said

"Let's go get him then." He said

"Ok, let's go get him" I said


This is my project for school.The name Baylor is real I got the school name from there,and the secret door thing for the bathroom, I got that from :The Man of my........Showers?

There might be more but I do not know:)


update in July of 2011

Ok, this was ALL I wrote for my story

I have wrote a new story from this past school year, it's better then this story xD

Question: Should I re-write this whole story, but still keep this one still here on Watt? The new story will have more chapters and different things in it!

If you guys want my youtube channel that has this story, message me! I'll send the links to you! :D (it has a different beginning but same layout?)

~~~~~~> the first episode is on the right

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