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*4 days later*
Dans POV
After our traumatic three days after arrival, I finally had some proper luck. I found him. The one. OMG I HAD TO TELL PHIL!!! I had been out exploring in the wilderness when I found a cave.....
'Hmmm, I wonder where this tunnel leads to?' Dan thought out load. The tunnel was made of branches of trees with leaves on them. Dan knew what was coming next.
As Dan entered a giant room of leaves, he spotted a big 'grey thing'.
'Oh my... Wow!' Dan said. 'Totoro! Is it really you?'
*snore snore snore*
'I NEED to tell Phil!' Dan said and ran off home.
*end of flashback*

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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