The Gala Games (The Hunger Games + My Little Pony Fan Fiction)

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Six hundred and ninety-something years anfter Twilight Sparkle was crowned princess, and Princess Celestia gave her life to save all of Equestria, Princess Luna ruled the land with Twilight next in line for the ruling. Luna and Twilight soon learned that they didn't get along too well. That's when Twilight wanted ownership.

Thirty years later, Twilight took it upon herself to try and rule Equestria. When Luna rejected Twilight's offer of command, havoc broke loose everywhere. Twilight got most of Equestria to join on her side, overthrowing Princess Luna's command. Twilight took her place as Princess and Luna was left to die.

Twilight's heart soon became filled with evil.

Princess Twilight split Equestria into 13 different Herdings and the Centerdome. Each Herding was assigned a special job and a specific area where they needed to work in order to keep Equestria up and running, while the Centerdome was the capitol city only consisting of Alicorns.

Twilight soon was commanding too high of demands from the Herdings, and the Herdings decided to turn on Twilight and try to take her down, causing the "Great Hoofstamp War." But with her use of technology, Twilight managed to defeat the Herdings and destroying Herding 13 as a symbol of her strength.

After the war, Twilight forced the remaining 12 Heardings of Equestria to fight in a competition, which she called The Gala Games, as another symbol of her power over the Herdings.

The rules of the Games were simple: Each Herding must send one stallion and one mare of any race between 12 and 18 years of age to fight to the death. Their wings or horns and cutiemarks are removed before the Games so that there are no advantages.

72 years later, we meet Ellowice Axe, a young pegasus from Herding 7. She thinks she was born in the wrong era, and that she needed to be born about 1,000 years ago. But now that she's here, she tries to make the most of what's there.

Ladies and gentlecolts, let the annual Gala Games begin!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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