(Chapter 1)

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~Your View~
I woke up and quickly got dressed in grey faded jeans and a blue Nike sweatshirt/fleece thing (Pic Above)
I pulled on my blue vans (DAMN DANEIL!)
I went over to Ross who was still asleep and shook him awake
"Five more minutes!" He said like a little kid
"Get ready for work sleepy head!" I said giggling
He groaned and got out of bed
"I'll get the kids on the bus and meet you at the offices." I said leaving the room
I shut the door behind me and walked towards Bee's room
"Bee!" I said opening the door
She grunted
"Time for school!"
"Okay..." she yawned and got out of bed
I closed the door and went to Declan's room
"Dec!" I called opening the door
He was already up and on his computer
"Be down in a minute!"
I looked at his screen
"What are you doing?" I asked walking over to him
"It's a present for dad."
"What is it?"
"Im making a Minecraft mod that adds narwhals."
"That's awesome Dec!"
"Come down soon ok?"
I walked out, closing the door behind me and walked to Maggie's room
"Maggie!" I said opening the door "Time to get up!"
"Okay..." she slowly got out of bed and walked out the door
I followed her the kitchen and saw Declan and Ross sitting at the table and Bee was walking in the bathroom
I made microwave pancakes for everyone even though it was super unhealthy
Ross left for work soon after
And I walked to the bus stop stop with the kids after they packed their bags
The bus came soon after
"Bye kids!" I said "Love you!"
"Bye mom!" Bee called back
I walked back the house and got in my car
I was driving to the offices when it hit me:
Was he using protection last night... shit
I quickly ran into CVS and grabbed 3 pregnancy tests
Then, to cover it up,  I texted the group chat
(A=Adam R=Ross Rd= Red B=Barney C=Cory E=Ethan Em=Emily M=Max Y=You)
Y= Do you guys want anything from CVS?
A= Pepsi plz!
Y= ok
R= Mt. Dew and Doritos
B= Apple?
Y= there's so apples at CVS John
B= 😔
Rd= Monster Energy plz
C= I'm good
Y= k
Y= anyone else
Em= Coka-Cola plz
E= I'm good thx
M= Diet Pepsi plz
Y= ok bai
(End of text)
I grabbed a Coke, Monster, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt. Dew, Doritos, and Diet Pepsi for myself
I ran to the cash register and paid for my things
I got back in my car and continued to drive to the offices
I walked in the door and walked around giving everyone what they ordered
"Hey (y/n)!" Adam called
"Ya?" I asked handing him his Pepsi
"Thanks!" He said "Also, do you what to record a do not laugh?"
"Sure!" I said "Can you give me a minute or two?"
"Ya! Of course!" He said "We're recording in like a half hour."
"Oh!" I said "ok! Great!"
I ran to try bathroom and did the pregnancy tests

"Adam!" I called
"Ya?" He called back
"Can I bail on do not laugh?" I said "I'm not feeling well!"
"That's fine!" He said "I can call Okward!"
"Awesome!" I said walking out the door
When I got in my car, I immediately called my doctor
"Hello?" She answered
"Hi Marie! It's (y/n)..." I said
"Hi (y/n)!" She said "Why did you call me?"
"I took three pregnancy tests," I said "and 2 out of 3 were positive..."
"Come to my office ASAP!" She said
"Alright!" I said "Thanks! Bye!"
I hung up the phone and raced to her office
I parked my car right in front and walked through the big doors
"Good morning!" Sarah Dugan, the receptionist, said
"I'm here for an appointment with Marie Cawlfeild." I said
"Ah, yes!" She said "She's in her office!"
"Thanks Sarah!" I gave her a smile
"Just doing my job!" She said
I smiled and began to walk down the long hallway
When I got to her office, I knocked on the door
"(Y/n)!" She said opening the door "Come in!"
I sat on a table and she did some tests (i dont know I've never been pregnant!)
After she finished the tests she told me...
"You're pregnant."
I hope you liked chapter one of A New Life!
I'd like to give a special thanks to _SkyDoseMinecraft_ for the name idea and DerpyDinosaurus for the cover art!
Peace out my kittens😸✌️

A New Life (Sequel to My New Dad and The Meet and Greet)Where stories live. Discover now