Chapter 8

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Jesse went down the latter, and went to find Lukas. Rueben got up, and followed her. Jesse and Rueben searched for Lukas.

After an hour, Jesse heard a man scream. Jesse ran to the noise, and saw Lukas surrounded by zombies. Jesse pulled out her sword, and killed all the zombies.

"Lukas are you ok?" Lukas nodded. Jesse hugged him tightly. Lukas blushed smiled, and hugged back. "Don't leave ever again!" "Sorry Jesse." "It doesn't matter, I'm just glad your ok."

They looked at each other's eyes, and smiled. Lukas grabbed Jesse's waist, and leaned forward. Jesse did the same thing as well. But they heard Axel.

"Jesse? Where are you?" Jesse looked at Lukas and blushed. Lukas did the same thing. "Uh, I'm sorry." "Y-yeah me too." Lukas smiled. They held hands, and went back to the treehouse.

"There you are Jesse! Where did you go?" "I went to find Lukas." "Why!" "He's our friend! He belongs in the group." Axel made a mad face at Jesse. "Sigh fine!" Axel turned around, and went back to the treehouse.

While Lukas, Jesse, and Rueben were walking, Lukas looked at Jesse. "Jesse wait." "Yes?" "Here, take my jacket." Lukas handed Jesse his jacket to Jesse. Jesse turned around, and smiled.

"Thank you Lukas, I was kinda cold

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"Thank you Lukas, I was kinda cold." "Np Jesse. They both smiled at each other, and continued walking. "Hey Lukas?" "Yeah Jess....I mean..." "N-no it's ok, you call me that." Jesse said blushing. Lukas blushed as well. "Anyway, will you promise not to leave me? Promise?" "Yes Jess, I'll never leave you." Jesse smiled, and kept walking. Lukas followed her.

The next day, everyone was getting ready to go. "Got all your stuff?" Axel asked. Everyone nodded. "Let's go!" All of them started following Axel. Jesse was stopped by Lukas.

"Hey Jesse." "Hey what's up?" "I'm really really sorry what I did last night, I didn't know what got into me." "Sigh Lukas, it's ok, you didn't mean to, besides I was about to do it to." Lukas blushed and smiled. "Y-you were?" Jesse went bright red.

"Let's just keep going!" Lukas chuckled, and followed Jesse. They caught up with Petra and the others. They jumped down, and headed to the tall building.

"What is this place?" Jesse asked. "I think it's the order's temple." "Lukas are you sure?" Olivia asked. "He's right, look."They went inside.

When they went inside, there was a room. "Ha the little spenders look like spooky face." Jesse heard a noise. "Stay behind me!" Jesse walked towards slowly.

Rueben heard a noise and ran on the pressure plate. Jesse ran after him, and so the others. When they all stepped on the pressure plate, the gate closed. They all heard a noise. "Aww come supencers, I thought we were friends!" "Run!"

Everyone started running. Jesse made it to the other side. "Everyone ok?" She asked. They all nodded. Jesse looked up, and there were more arrows. "We're trap!" "Wait! I have my bow." Lukas pulled out his bow out of his inventory. "Lukas, I'm glad your with us!" Lukas blushed and turned away.

Jesse fired the arrow, and it hit the pressure plate. "Now how do you feel about Lukas now Axel?" Jesse tested. "Oh alright, he did save us, I'll do him a favor." Jesse patted Axel on the back. "I'm glad."

They went inside. "Doesn't this place look like Ivor's spooky basement?" Petra asked. "Yeah kinda." "Let's just look around if we can find anything." They all nodded and split up.

Lukas was checking out some books, Jesse saw a a enchantment book, and head straight to it. Jesse started reading in her head.

"No way!" "What?" "Something wrong?" Olivia asked. "Ivor was a member of the Oder!" "No kidding." "D...did they lie to us?" Lukas asked. "Yes, idk maybe." "Hey guys! I found stairs." "Let's go up!"

Jesse was the first one to climb upstairs. They were in a big room. Jesse pulled out the amulet, but nothing happened. "Everyone, look around!" They nodded. Jesse walked back to the room, and saw levers. She pulled some of them, and a light came on. Jesse placed her amulet on the stand, and two lights popped up.

"Wow!" "Way to go Jesse!" Lukas yelled. "Thanks!" Jesse said blushing and smiling. Jesse knew who they were. "Ok, who should we get first?" "I say Ellgaard." Olivia said. "No! Magnus!" Olivia and Axel started arguing.

Then, Lukas stopped the fight. "Hey you two! Let Jesse pick, it's her amulet and her choice!" Olivia and Axel looked at each other, and nodded. "Alright Jesse, who do want to see first?" "I want......."

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