Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

The radio that sat on my bedside table plays music, and I wait for my favourite song to come on. I am entering the competition; the competition that my favourite radio station, Hit Tunez, set up to win V.I.P tickets to see my favourite band, Big Time Rush. My iPhone is in my hand, ready with the number typed in, my finger hovering above the call button. Oh, I do hope that I win. This ticket is the last one they have. I mean, I would be heartbroken. I'm not going to go all crazy upset fangirl, though; I may be totally in love with them, but I don't waste my time scheming on how to find them and stalk them. I look up at the posters of BTR and Twilight. Two of the things that are important to me. 

"Meow." My fat cat Gracie jumps onto my bed and curls up into a ball next to me. I give her one quick pet then focus all my attention on the radio. Elevate starts. I click the call button and turn down the radio. It rings. That's a good sign. I get through to the phone line. Sometimes so many people call, and the line would get blocked. Still ringing. I told my mum and stepdad that I was entering this competition. They know not to disturb me. A minute passes. The song still plays. Please, please, please answer. I have been such a good person, if I may say so myself. Don't I deserve a little reward? The song stops. I hold my breath.

"Hello there, who is this?" A familiar voice says from the other end of the phone: Kitty, one of the presenters.

"Melody," I reply; my pulse increases.

"Well, Melody, you have just won a V.I.P. ticket to see Big Time Rush!"

"Thank you so so so much!" I am overcome with joy! I can't believe it.

"Stay right there, and we will get your details," Kitty says.

"Ok." I give them my details, and they said the ticket would arrive in a week. Now all I can do is wait till August for the concert.


A/N: I know that was really short and bad. I also have no idea about radio stations in America. Don't forget to vote and comment! B.T.W: THIS IS SET IN 2012 CURRENTLY!

~ Melody ~

UPDATED A/N 2022: A hot mess. My real cat is also called Gracie is still around, turning 15 this year!

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