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Everything is so unnaturally white,and why is the ground so cold. And what is that awful smell,ugh. It feels like someone had the trench warfare in my mouth... Wait, what? The boy opened his eyes to find he was no longer in the place he had once called home, but instead in a clean, white lab with concrete walls and a ceiling. The tiled floor gleamed from chemical cleaning supplies, that the boy hoped was the cause of the horrific smell. The boy began to panic at the thought of being taken away from his home. It's okay, get a hold of yourself,the boy thought as he took a look around the room. This can't be real. Wait! That's it this has to be a dream, he reasoned. "Weirdest dream ever", the boy stated as he sat up finding that he was laying upon a cold,metal table. "Okay, no problem, just got to wake up. What's that thing you do when you want to wake up?" After a moment of thought realization dawned on the boy. "Right, your supposed to pinch yourself." He looked down at his hand and was about to do so when he realized that pinching himself might prove to cut himself with his sharp nails. "Meh, probably just wake me up faster", he reasoned as he pinched himself. " OUCH!MOTHER..." He yelped as he clasped the cut that he had caused dripping blood upon the spotless floor. "Okay, so not a dream", he figured. Worry spread across his face as he began to remember. " I was taken, are you kidding me,and by a bunch of nerds!" I have got to get out of here! He thought as he looked around the room, noticing every surface being a dull gray except for the floor and a smooth, shining, metallic rock on the wall. This is just great, Leave it to humans to create a useless, unnaturally white box. He thought as a scowl spread across his face. A loud Bing resounded across the room making the boy jump. He slid behind the table, so as not to be seen as the metallic rock on the wall began to move.


Two people,a man and a women, walked down a clean white hall. The women chatted none stop as the man furrowed his eyebrows as he read through the papers in his hands. "Isn't this amazing, I mean an actual discovery, honestly I didn't think we would actually find anything, but we did! Do you realize this could be the find of the century!", the women rambled. She looked over at her associate to see his response. " This should be impossible, you do realize something like this shouldn't exist", he said promptly pointing at the papers in his hand as if the motion would prove his reasoning. "I know! I mean just look at this", she said in excitement as she snatched one of the papers. "Looks to be male, age looks to be sixteen years, figure is lean, height is six foot, it has black hair, pale skin, pointed ears, black wings that are thirteen feet long, sharp nail like claws, and black scales are scattered across its body", she read as they came to a metal door and the man took out a card to swipe against a locking mechanism. The door opened with a resounding Bing. Both paused when they saw inside the dull, empty room. Both becoming more and more frightened as they stared within the room. "Where the hell did it go", the man whispered as they cautiously entered the room. He bent down inspecting the blood that gleamed on the floor. "I thought you said that they put it on sedatives, Claire." "They di...", the women, Claire, said before she was interrupted when a blurred figure ran towards the door. The boy tried to open the door only to find he couldn't. The man, Darrel, signalled for Claire to get on the opposite side of the boy, so that they could surround him. The boy whipped around with inhuman speed as he glared at the scientists. His eyes glowed like blue fire as he crouched low into an attack position and growled as he spread his pitch black wings. " Okay, just calm down we aren't going to hurt you",Claire stated as she made a motion to reach behind her. The boy bared his teeth showing off his sharp fangs as he launched himself forward heading straight for his intended target. As he did so a horrific sound ripped through the air, then all was silent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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