Only One. I'll Be That One.

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I can't wait to see Drake. I've missed him so much! Drake is my boyfriend but he had to move to San Fransisco about a month ago. We've kept in touch through texting and e-mails but it just isn't enough.....

I'm going to his school and he doesn't know. I want it to be a suprise. I'm going to live with my aunt June. Today my mom is dropping me off at her house. I am going to miss my mom but she'll be coming up on every other weekend. We used to go up to see her all the time but then my father died and my mom had to get work so she was busy alot and we had no time.

The rain is beating down on the wind shield drowning out the radio. I'm sitting in the passanger seat of my mom's old volvo. We are driving on a windy road on the edge of a cliff that goes down to the big roaring ocean. The ocean looks like two oceans. Closer to the shore it is green and blue but farther out it turns gray. It doesn't fade into gray it just changes in one straight line as far as I can see. It looks like there could be a glass wall seperating the different colored water. I plug my iPod into my earphones and turn on Sexy And I Know It.


A couple hours later we are going through a tunnel. I used to always hold my breath with my father when I went throgh this tunnel. I used to do that in every tunnel. Now I just sit silently as we go through. There are lights in a line on either side of the tunnel, lighting up our path. When we get out I can see the golden gate bridge. I think it should be called The Red Gate Bridge since it is red. Once when I was little I asked my grandma why it wasn't called red. She told me it was because many people came to san fransisco for gold during the gold rush.


That night I climbed in my new bed and attempted to sleep. It was very hard. I couldn't stop thinking about Drake. Eventually I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


beep beep beep my annoying alarm clock goes off at 6:30. I groan and cover my head with my pillow, trying to block out the sound. BEEP BEEP BEEP. It gets louder and louder. I sit up and shut it off. Drake. I jump out of bed and comb my hair out. I let my brown hair fall down around my shoulders. I put on some pearl lipgloss and put on some regular baggy jeans and a cute logo t-shirt with my black sweatshirt over it. I grab my bag and run down the stairs to the kitchen. There is my aunt reading the paper. I eat soem cinnamon toast crunch cereal and then run out the door to the bus.

There are a couple kids at the bus stop. I sit down on the green bench and wait. A tall blonde girl with green eyes walks over to me and sits down. "Hi I'm Olive." She says,

"Hey I'm Sabrina. I'm new here."

"Cool me too."

"NIce where ya from?"

"Arizona. Pheonix."

"Cool I'm fr-"

A girl with brown hair and gray eyes walks over. "Hey girls. You people new here?" She asks she sits down next to me. "Yeah." I say." Olive nods. "Oh. Well ocnsider your selves under my protection. I've lived here my whole life."


"Yup it's the life."

The bus pulls up and we get on. Kids point at me and whisper. I ignore them and follow Olive down to an empty seat.

At school I get off and go over to the school. People point at me and I hear some girls laugh. I run inside. Then I come face to face with Drake. "Drake!" I yell as I jump into him, hugging him as tight as I can not daring to ever let go. He half hugs me back and then pulls away, a confuzed look on his face. "Sabrina? What are you-?"

"I came to see you! I missed you so much!"


"Because your my boyfriend!"

"Uh about that there is kinda someon-"

Then the girl from earlier with the brown hair and gray eyes walks over. She wraps her arms aroound Drakes neck, kissing him and claiming him from me.

Only One. I'll Be That One. (Watty Awards)Where stories live. Discover now