BED? That's A Class?!

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For the rest of the Tech class, Mr Nelson explained what the class was all about. The class was based on the technology used by Youtubers.

Seán raised his hand, "So it's not a class on how to be badass?" He asked.

Mr Nelson shook his head, "Sorry, don't think we have classes for that. You'll have to ask the principal." He responded.

Seán slowly let his hand fall onto the table, he pouted about being wrong for a moment and Ken patted his back.

"So anyways, throughout the semester, you'll be learning about the different YouTube videos and how to make them. For an assignment later on, you'll have to show us one your videos, explain what style you used and the amount of time it took, also how it was made." Mr Nelson explained, "Just so you're aware, I don't take any bullcrap on not knowing when assignments are due." He warned.

"Since you have five minutes until the bell rings, you can talk and get to know eachother." He concluded, making his way to a desk by the door and sitting in the comfy-looking chair.

Different conversations broke out between different groups of students.

"So what's our next class?" Felix asked, leaning towards Ken and Seán's direction.

Ken pulled out a scrunched up piece of paper from his pocket and straighten it out. "It seems that we have Music next." Ken replied, reading off the piece of paper.

"What about after that?" Seán asked.

"Uh let's see, next is Science, then uh what the fuck?" Ken looked at the paper in confusion.

"That sounds like a great class, I don't remember seeing it." Felix commented and looked at Ken's schedule.

"Actually it's called Bed." Seán pointed out, reading the schedule.

"Bed? Felix they made a class for you!" Ken laughed.

Felix glared at Ken, "I'm already great in bed, thank-you-very-much!" He said in a child-like attitude.

"Uh but Ken, there are dots between the letters, so shouldn't it stand for something?" Seán pointed out.

The trio thought for a moment.

"Biggest Dick Length!" Ken suggested, overly proud.

The other two glared at him with expressions that said 'wtf, no you dumb fuck.'

"B E D, Ken! Not B D L! That can't be a class anyways." Seán exclaimed.

"Well Ken would need to take a class in that." Felix snorted.

"Are you kidding, I'd pass with flying colours!" Ken laughed, overly confident.

"Woah, wouldn't it be weird if an old grandpa dude was head of that." Seán asked, shivering at the thought.

"How did this conversation turn from a subject guessing game, to a conversation about old pedophile grandpa and dick lengths?!" Felix laughed.

Not a moment later, the trio were all laughing at the previous event.


"Alright class, I will see you later today. Be good to your other teachers." Mr Nelson warned.

Soon, the students emptied from the class room and walked to their next class.

They then found themselves in a music room, chairs spaced out in three lines of eight. Different types of musical instruments sat at the back of the room, and at the front was a desk, large white board and smart board projector.

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