Chapter 18

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It felt so perfect.... It was so right. It feels so WRONG. I was kissing MATTHEW. OF ALL PEOPLE, HE HAD TO BE THE ONE!

He's gross. He drops people and he has HORRIBLE personal hygiene. His breath smells like fish sticks and coleslaw, and I think he hid a cracker in his pants.

I pause and take a breath.

"He NEVER wears deodorant and sweats like a wet dog. He was clean until he kissed me, DID I EAT FISH?!" I say to myself.

"I heard that," Matthew says showing off his armpit.

"Stop talking to me or I'll have to call the ambulance because you're too desperate," I say, staring at him with my arms crossed and rolling my eyes.

He slaps me in the face, wrapping his arms around my chest. "Wanna smell again?"

The walls are enclosing in on us. Gates are closing. Handcuffs are surrounding us.

"You think you could just fly away, now could you?" Cinderella asks in a bratty tone, "C'mon, Trobella."

Trobella sharpens some of her best knives with a pencil sharpener.

"Which knife would work best? Gold with 5.3% silver or gold with 5.4% silver?" Trobella asks, sharpening her knives with the wrong tools.

"Gold with 5.5% silver," Matthew mutters like he's Trobella.

"Yea I actually have that," Trobella asks, "Great idea, Cindered-Ella and not Bree I caught you!"

Trobella gets the knife from her collection as
Matthew breathes on my face. Trobella and Cinderella are too busy bickering in the background.

"Do you brush your teeth with shrimp paste?" I ask Matthew in disgust.

"No. I brushed it with salmon paste. Wanna try?" he asks as a smirk starts to appear on his face, while he winks.

"Shut up," I reply.

"Stop being so desperate," Matthew taunts.

"Stop talking about yourself in the third person," I reply, rolling my eyes.

Matthew pushes me out into the range of Trobella. She tries to handcuff me but Matthew grabs me just in time.

"Husbands aren't supposed to be awful, aren't they?" Trobella asks in shock, "But Butterboy was supposed to be MINE."

Trobella throws a knife with 5.3% silver at Matthew. He flips over, catching the knife.

"At least I have others," Cinderella says.

"NOOO! I NEED MY GOLD WITH 5.3% SILVER BABY!" Trobella shrieks at the top of her lungs.

And all of us just shake our heads in denial.

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