7 + DM

30 4 0

@NashGrier: hi Sum

@NashGrier: searching, here in the floor, where I thought that I have all this intimacy w/ you

@itsmattgirl: MOOOOM I'M NOT OKAAAAY!!

@itsmattgirl: FUCK

@itsmattgirl: firstly

@itsmattgirl: I LOVE YOU

@itsmattgirl: secondly

@itsmattgirl: firstly lmao

@NashGrier: love you too <3

@itsmattgirl: I'd appreciate it if you ask Matthew to follow me

@itsmattgirl: preferably right now, thanks you're welcome!

@NashGrier: he said he read all your tweets

@itsmattgirl: bitch

@NashGrier: I know lmfaooo

@itsmattgirl: u r mean, Nashy

@itsmattgirl: but it's true lol

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