Part 4

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(Haley's Pov)
Sarah and I got dressed in matching outfits(pic above) then she straightened her hair and I put mine in a side ponytail. We headed down to the venue where Jacob and Ashton would meet us outside the doors so we could hang with them. When we got into the area where the rest of the boys were Hunter came and greeted us so we also said hi to him then Sarah and him started talking so I went up to Ashton and said," Just so you know you hurt her the next day you might have a couple scars and bruises." Then to joke around I said," You might want to go be with your girl she's with both of your brothers." He playfully punched me then I went and grabbed Jacobs hand and kissed his cheek.
(Sarah's Pov)
Ashton came over and put his arm around me to show I was his so then I kissed his cheek to show he was mine. After they announced the boys and then yelled," With special guests for this show and maybe more, Jacobs Sartorius's girlfriend Haley and Ashton Rowland's girlfriend Sarah. As we ran out there was a lot of yelling some said' Ewww there ugly' or 'Nether of them are good enough for you'. But most were like 'Awww so cute' or 'You guys are perfect for them', which made me smile.
(Hunter's Pov)
The girls got onstage and Haley grabbed Jacobs hand and Sarah grabbed Ashton's hand, so cute. The show went on they danced on the stage and even went to the meet & greet with us.
(Ashton's Pov)
When the show ended I went to Sarah's room with her and we watched Netflix till Haley and Jacob came in then me went on broadcast with Jacob. We played truth or Dare.
(A- Ashton, J- Jacob, S- Sarah, H- Haley)
J- Sarah Truth or dare
S- Dare duh
J- I dare you to kiss Ashton on the lips for one minute
A- That's the best dare ever
We didn't kissed for a minute it was so magical I really like this girl.
A- Haley truth or dare
H- Dare
A- I dare you to switch shirts with Jacob
they went to the bathroom and switched Jacobs looked so stupid but Haley didn't
H- Ashton Truth or dare
A- Dare, why is everyone picking dare
H, J, S- IDK
H- I dare you to switch shirts with Sarah
A- I just dared you that
H- It's called pay back
So we went to the bathroom and switched, Sarah looked so adorable .
S- Jacob truth or dare
J- Truth
S- Ah a switch up. Is it true that you haven't kissed Haley yet
So Jacob leaned over to Haley and kissed her for like ten second..
J- No, not anymore
We played for like an hour till we ended the broadcast and watched Netflix on Haley's laptop.
(Jacobs Pov)
We watched Netflix on Haley's laptop till Haley feel asleep cuddling me , it was so cute she had her head on my chest and then there was Sarah and Ashton went to her bed and fell asleep but Sarah had her head on his stomach laying sideways.

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