Chapter 1

23 1 1

Wilson's pov

"Babe, I'm going to work." I said to my fiancee Jewels. Me and Jewels just got here 3 weeks ago from the Philippines. Now we're in London.

We are getting married in 8 months.

"Okay, bye babe! Be safe." And with that I went to the arena.

(At the Arena)

"So Sir, how big do you want to expand this arena?" I said

"I want to add ten more ro-" Mr. Anderson was cut off by a young man about 4-5 years older than me

"Sir! Si-sir! Penny qu-quit!"the boy said trying to his breath

"What?! How? When?!"

"The bo-boys played a bi-big prank on Pe-penny while I was in the loo." The boy said but as I looked at him

more closely, he looks kinda familiar.


Just then 4 more boys came running out of the lounge room laughing. When I took a good look I suddenly realize that

they are One Direction. Why does a 24 year old know them? Simple, 'cause my yonger sister loves them to death. Ohhh I 

suddenly remembered Sapphire my little sister, she's 17 but My mum and I still treat her like a baby. 

"Boys', how many times do I have to tell you that nobody in our staff like being pranked?" Mr. Anderson asked a bit bitter 

actually. And with that I snapped out of my past.

"We're sorry sir, it won't happen again" The boy with curly hair said. I think that is the Harry kid that's flirty.

"Shut it Styles! Don't you know that you have a concert in  1 week? Who is gonna help Lou (Teasdale) with your make-up and

wardrobe? It's not like a stylist is just gonna fall from the sky!" Mr. Anderson said fuming with anger. Just then I had an


"Sir, how about my younger sister. She can be the new stylist. She can fly from the Philippines in 5 days, she can take a banter

and she is a great stylist." Ohh pls. work my sister would kill to get that job.

"Really? She can come here within five days?" He said with hope in his tone

"Well I'm gonna ask mum first 'cause she's only 17 if that's alright with you."

"Sure, when can you call your mother?" He asked

"Now actually just give me 5 mins. sir" I said and with that Sir nodded and call my mum. She answered it on the 3rd ring. I ask 

her about the job she said yes and only needs to know if that will be safe and will Sapphire agrees. Next I dialed my sister Sapphire 

she is attending a fashion show that should've ended 10 mins. ago.

"Hello?" Sapphire ask 

"Hello, Sapphire It's me Kuya Ipoy (Wilson's nick name)" Kuya means brother BTW

"Hi Kuya! How are you and Jewels going?" She ask 

"Sapphire, you don't need to speak in english if you don't want to. I can still understand you" I said laughing

"Kuya, I miss speaking in English the whole fashion show was all Tagalog (Filipino's language)" OOHH poor Sapphire, she like it when

they speak English 'cause sometime she can't understand deep tagalog

"So, Wazzup?"

"OH right. If you like to work here in London, I got you one as a stylist for One Direction" I said

"HA HA, funny. Like you can do that" she said sarcastically

"Here I'll prove it. I'll put you on speaker and talk to the boys" with that I talked to the boys to say something to prove the job offer

"Sapphire, Hello? The boys are here to speak to you"

"Hi Sapphire!" All the boys said in chorus

"Hi! Are you really One Direction because my brother pranks me alot about how he met you?" Sapphire said while laughing

"Yeah we're One Direction. I'm Harry love. Niall is at the snack bar, Louis just took Zayn's mirror and Liam is chasing them so they don't

get in trouble." Harry said also laughing

"Oh, you are real. So okay I'll take the job offer see yah!" she said happily

"Sapphire, pack your things I will get you your ticket and also mum said yes already so all you gotta do is fly over here" I said

"KK, see yah Kulot!(curly) Bye!" and with that she hang-up.

"See yah in 5 days Sapphire" i said to myself.

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