Day One: Sweet Introduction

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So the timelines will merge with the two stories, so the endingish of Prof Hale is the beginning of this story.

Scott sighed cleaning off a table that a customer had dirtied before their departure. Stiles was in the back making more cupcake batter for the rest of the day, Scott really was beat from all the extra time he had been putting in just to let Stiles sneak off into Derek's lectures, but he didn't mind especially cause it made Stiles happy.

Scott finished cleaning the table and walked into the back to put the rag in the sink. He was about to stop and talk to Stiles when he heard the soft bell from the front door chime. Stiles was obviously too busy with the batter so Scott went behind the register to take the person's order.

He looked up to see a very attractive young man standing in front of him. He had perfect sandy brown curls and a smile that made Scott want to melt. He just stared for a couple seconds unable to say anything, the customer raised an eyebrow at Scott and Scott blinked trying to clear his dry throat.

"How may I help you?" Scott felt his neck warm up.

"Do you guys sell donuts?" The customer gazed at the case chewing on his lower lip.

Scott couldn't help but stare at his lips, "er-i mean yes, we do, I think we just finished making a batch in the back."

"Great, can I get a Bavarian cream?" The customer smiled.

"absolutely and your name is?" Scott raised an eyebrow.

"Isaac." Isaac smiled and leaned against the counter.

Scott smiled and nodded never taking his eyes away from Isaac, "Stiles, is there any donuts back there? Our new friend Isaac here would like a Bavarian cream."

"I'll check." He heard Stiles call from the back.

"Thanks, Buddy!" Scott turned so that Stiles could hear him.

He heard a hum come from Stiles and he smiled. He turned back to the customer who blinked and blushed at him. Scott didn't catch the flustered look that Isaac had just given him or how fidgety he really was when Scott wasn't looking.

"I haven't seen you around, did you just move here?" Scott was nervous no doubt about it he was just hoping he didn't look as stupid as he felt.

"No, but I decided some change would be nice." Isaac smiled making Scott's heart skip a beat, "plus my friend Erica says you guys have the best sweets."

"Blonde hair?" Scott questioned.

"Yeah!" Isaac's eyes lit up, "she loves it here."

"Well next time she comes tell her we have a cupcake on the house waiting for her." Scott moved back as Stiles entered the room.

"Will do." Isaac looked Scott up and down.

Stiles looked inbetween the two with a sly smile which made Scott blush and look away from his best friend. He knew Stiles could tell what he was thinking and that made him feel even more embarrassed. Scott rang Isaac's donut up avoiding both of their eyes as he did so.

"Is Isaac a new regular?" Scott turned to Stiles praying that his best friend didn't say something embarrassing.

"That's up to how good this donut is." Isaac took the bag off the counter handed Scott a five, "keep the change."

Scott nodded and the cash register opened with a loud ding. He placed the five in and looked up at Isaac's now retreating back. Scott felt a surge of panic fill his body and before he could even thing about it he was talking.

"Have a nice day!" Scott called out as Isaac walked out with a small smile.

Stiles let out a soft chuckle beside Scott who's face had returned to the rosy red color it had been earlier. Scott sighed and bit his lip before turning away from the door and looked over at Stiles. Stiles looked away from the door and gave Scott a teasing grin.

"So did you get his number?" Scott scoffed and rubbed at the back of his neck.

"No, but it doesn't matter I'm way out of his league." Scott suddenly frowned and Stiles crossed his arms over his chest with a disapproving look on his face.

"That's a complete lie." Stiles scoffed and walked back into the back, "do you need me to work my Stilinski magic?"

"No, Stiles it's fine." Scott muttered as a new customer walked in.

"Whatever you say, bro." Scott heard Stiles mutter from where he stood.

"Yeah, whatever." Scott grumbled and looked up at the new customer.


It had grown dark and Stiles's shift had ended thirty minute before Scott's who didn't seem to mind. Scott grabbed his coat from the rack and slipped it on with a tired yawn. He shut off all the lights and flipped the open sign to close, exiting the building he locked the door behind him without a look back.

Scott opened his car door and plopped into his seat shutting his door behind him. He dug into his coat pocket for the keys only to feel a slip of paper in his pocket that he knew wasn't there before. He took out a folded piece of notebook paper and opened it. It was Stiles's hand writing that much Scott knew. He clicked on the car light and started reading.

Scotty, I know you're way too shy to actually ask out the customer from earlier today so here's some help from yours truly.

1-Lure him in with your usual nice guy charm (which should be easy)
2-Ask him on a date if he doesn't ask you (confidence is key my friend)
3-Make sure he's comfortable around you.
4-Remember you shouldn't be doing all the work. Make sure he's looking for you too.
5-Be yourself, there's a reason we all love being around you, Scott.
6-If you need confidence during a date text me I got your back, buddy!

Good luck,dude, PS:this is from a married man which means it'll help you win over that guy as quickly as possible. Pps:Yes, highschool dating still counts as dating, you ass.

Scott felt a chuckle escape his lips as he shook his head and stuffed the letter back in his pocket. He grabbed his car key and started the engine.

Who knows, maybe Stiles is right.

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