Chapter 10

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Rae's POV

I could hear a beeping sound but I couldn't open my eyes or move my body. I felt someone squeezing my hand. I tried to open my eyes, move, anything, but nothing. I heard a faint whispers. "Please wake up. P-please Rae..." That voice.. I know that voice.. It's.. Its hannah! I tried to move to show her I'm ok but I still couldn't. Next thing I knew my eyes were open, but I wasn't in my body. I was floating above my body. I looked down at Hannah. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair disheveled, her glasses sat atop of her head. She laid her head down on the bed as she gripped my hand.

"Am I... Dead?" I asked. I looked at the heart monitor, it was still going. I'm not dead yet. But then the numbers started dropping. The beeping slowed. Hannah's head shot up and looked at the monitor, the numbers dropping. She ran out of the room calling for help as I watched my own body dying in front of my eyes. The doctors came back and they did want they could. Then the line went flat. Silence fell apon the room. Hannah cried and begged for me to come back. The doctor pulled out a defibrillator and rubbed the things together.

"Clear!" He yelled. As he put it to my chest. My body moved as the pulse of electricity that shot threw me. Line still flat. "Clear!" He yelled again as my body jumped to the electricity. Still nothing. One last time. "Clear!" My body jumped as the beeping returned and I fell back into my body.


I woke up to see familiar and unfamiliar faces. I saw my daughter and aunt. But there was a brown haired girl griping my hand. Nobody saw that I was awake yet. The girl was crying... "Why are you crying?" I whispered and the brown haired girl's head shot up. Her eyes lightened up and she smiled so wide jumping at me hugging my tight then.. Kissing me?

She pulls out and stared into your eyes as she said. "I was so worried!" I looked at her confused and her smile fell. She stared into my eyes worriedly an whispered "Rae..." She sounded so broken... But that voice.. I know that voice. Do I.. Know her? I stared into her eyes and searched her face for any recollection of who this girl was. I finally gave up and whispered.

"Do I know you?"

A/N: hey guys.. Short chapter.. But I couldn't sleep so I decided to write.. I'm kinda not very happy right now so I was able to write a depressing chapter very easily. I was just lying here in bed and yeah... Then this... Tell me what u guys think. Have a good night, day, afternoon, morning, whatever time of day it is for u. Don't mind any typos or misspelled things. Comment. Vote. Ttyl. Bye.

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