his and her scars

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P.O.V.: Melody

There he was. My best friend. The love of my life. A soft sigh escaped my lips as I saw groups of sluts flock over to him. I didn't blame them. He was physically perfect.

Black, just-rolled-outta-bed hair. Brown, soul-penetrating eyes. Pinkish, luscious lips. On dark blue lip ring. Strong jaw. Built body. Physically perfect.

But mentally and emotionally, he was a mess. Just like me. If not worse.

He has been my best friend since second grade. And even then, I loved him. He has shared everything about his life with me. He has showed me his scars. Emotional scars. Mental scars. Physical scars.

I have done the same with him.

Unconsciously, I tugged on my sleeve to further hide my cut wrist. I looked up to find him trying to make his way over to our table. He stared at me and made a face when I smirked at him.

After a couple or minutes, he finally plopped down in the chair in front of me. My smirk widened. "Well, hello there Raiden. How nice of you to join me," I teased. He stuck out his tongue childishly. I reached out and grabbed it with two fingers.

He glared at me until I let it go. "Maybe next time you won't stick your tongue out at me," I told him in a condescending voice. He merely raised his eyebrows.

"Nah, that just makes me want to do it again," he snickered. My eyes fell shut and I shivered. His voice. God, a woman could falling love with him just by hearing his voice.

It was like wind blowing between the branches of a tree on a warm, clear, mid-summer's night. It was like water rushing, falling down into a swirling pool of clear liquid. It was like the morning cry of the first song bird. It was beautiful.

"Mel? Mellie? Melody!" he cried, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you okay? Are you cold? I was you shivering." I just smiled and shook my head, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear just as it fell in front of my eyes.

"Nah, I'm perfectly fine. Just kinda zoned out, you know?" He stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face. "Hey, man, are you okay?" I asked.

Raiden scowled at me and his hand lashed out, clamping firmly to my wrist. My eyes widened. Shit! He pulled it to his face and peeled back the sleeve. An audiable growl came from the back of his throat.

"Dammit, Melody!" he snarled, "You promised me that you would call me if you ever felt like that again!" I tried to pull back my hand, but his grip was unyeilding.

"I did!" I hissed. "I tried calling you all day Saturday! But you never answered!" He released his iron-grip on my wrist and frowned.

"Of course," he sighed heavily. He gave a ghost of a smile. "I got my phone taken away on Saturday because I failed that Physic's test." He paused. Then he added in a somber tone, "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to take away the pain." His eyes were hollow. It killed him when he was unable to be there for me.

"Let me kiss it better," he whispered huskily, taking my hand back in his. Raiden pulled my wrist back to his face and gently touched his soft, smooth lips to my red scabs. My heartrate sky-rocketed. His dark brown eyes locked onto my blue ones.

He knew. God, I just knew he knew. My cheeks were invaded by an insistant blush. God, no, God, no, God, no, I chanted in my mind. I glanced around, trying to find something to make him stop. His lips were already trailing slowly up my palm to my fingertips.

I just knew he could feel my heartbeat, pulsing against his tender, soft, sweet - Holy Lord, this boy was getting to me. My eyes scanned the room to see that nearly everyone was staring at us, watching as he kissed each of my fingertips.

"Uh, Raid-Raiden," I stammered, "As-as sweet a-and romantic as y-you're b-being, I'm gonna ask you to stop. People are staring at us."

Raiden just smiled and brought his head down to kiss my wrist again. Then he let my wrist go. I let out a sigh of relief. My heartrate slowly got back to normal, and the blush finally drained from my face.

Raiden cleared his throat. "Are..." His voice was so husky, so deep. I involuntarily shivered as he cleared his throat again. "Does it still hurt?" he asked. His voice was less deep than what it was before, but still a long way from being backto normal.

I shook my head. "No, it never hurt in the first place." A pained look flashed across his face for a mere moment, and then it disappeared. He didn't smile; he smirked.

"Then why didn't you pull away?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Another blush painted my cheeks. What was I supposed to tell him? That I love him? Yeah. No!

Just as I opened my mouth to give him some smartass comment, a preppy, squeaky voice interrupted me. "Because she's desperate and can't see how pathetic she is," Emmie Wilson spat. Another blush hit me and I looked away, shameful because it was true. "How pathetic she is to go after her best and only friend."

My jaw trembled. Her manicured hands spread out across his broad shoulders. "Why do you even waste your time with her?" Emmie whined. "I could do so much better. She's just gonna kill herself anyways. Everyone knows she's weak-willed and can be easily broken down."

It was the truth; all of it.

A hand reached out and grabbed my own. I looked up to see the priceless look upon Emmie's face as Raiden shook her hands off his shoulders.

He then stood to his full six-foot height. "That is the worst pile of bullshit I have ever heard, " he snapped, nearly growling with his fury. "Melody is the strongest person here in this school. You are the one that can be easily broken down. One guy finds you unattractive and you go crying home to your rich Daddy and have him sue the boy!"

The whole cafeteria fell silent. Everyone stared at Raiden, and then Emmie, and then me. "Come on, Mellie," he ordered. He squared his shoulders, my hand still in his, and pulled me up beside him.

I was just barely able to grab my lunch bag before he took off out the cafeteria, and down the hallway; to the school enterance.

Suffice to say, my Raiden was beyond pissed.

He didn't like it when people brought up my suicide attempts.

But he did everything in his power to protect me when they did.

his and her scarsWhere stories live. Discover now