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My alarm start beeping and I open my eyes. I look around and I see my room. When did I get here? I get up from bed and put on some clothes lying on the floor and walk downstairs.

"Good morning mom," I say when I get in the kitchen.

"Good morning Nash, how do you feel about that school starts today?" She asks. School starts today?

"Mom it's already may, school can't start today?" I say confused.

"No Nash, it's the 12th of August 2016, check your phone if you don't believe me," she says and I do exactly what she told me, I check my phone.

And believe me or not it says 12th of August 2016. Chocked I sit down on a chair and start to think everything through. Had everything that previously happened only been a dream? Does that mean that Carry is alive, that she's breathing? She have to. She can't be dead if it only was a dream.

"Mom when am I supposed to be in school?" I ask her a little exited.

"You have to be in school 9:00 so school starts in 40 minuets," she says and I fast make me some breakfast and eat up. Then I rush to school.

I get to school and I look for her everywhere but I can't find her. I hear the bell ring and get to my classroom. I walk and take a seat at the back row. The teacher starts to talk about how this year would be and what we would do.

As our teacher someone knocks at the door. "Come in" I hear our teacher Lena say. The door opens and a girl walks in, not just any girl, Carry. "Hi, I'm new, I was told this is my new class" she says shyly. Lena nods and looks over the classroom. "You can sit beside Nash, can you wave your hand a little Nash?" I nod and wave my hand a little to Carry. She walk to the table and sit down quietly. "Hi I'm Nash, nice to meet you" I whisper to her. "Hi, I'm Clarissa, but call me Carry" she whispers back with a shy smile.

I could already tell this would be a good year

The end

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