Anypony else?

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Twilight: Oh look! We've got one!

Rainbow: Already?! Let's hear it.

SilentMagician: Did you ever have feelings for anyone else when you were younger?

Twilight: Hmm... I think I had a crush on a pony in Magic Kindergarten...if that counts. His name started with a J or something. Jacob? Jade? Yep, Jade, that was it. Wait, is this even addressed to anypony?

Rainbow: Uh, no. It just asks.

Twilight: Well in that case, it's your turn.

Rainbow: I don't actually think I had a crush on anypony... The closest I ever really came was Tank, and he's not even with me anymore. But that wouldn't count anyway, so no. Also, is Jade even a boy name?

Twilight: It can be. It isn't always.


Rainbow: Hmm...

Twilight: What is it?

Rainbow: Nothing, I was just looking at that picture up there.

Twilight: Where?

Rainbow: There.

Twilight: WHERE?!

(Lol the ever-oblivious Twilight will never get the joke will she?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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