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Requested By: SavannahGibson225

It was a beautiful day in the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. The skies were clear and the chirps of birds could be heard miles away. You've lived here long enough to know that days like these were really rare.

Usually days in Gravity Falls were somehow put with some kind of weird anomaly of some sort of something along the lines of that. Anyway. You loved that today was different from the others. You liked different. That's one of the reasons that you had moved her awhile ago, cause of its uniqueness.

Also, your birthday had actually passed a few days ago. You're 29 now. Feel old yet? Well you sshouldn't

You still have a whole life ahead of you. All the mysteries and weirdness waiting for you to find and explore. And that was pretty much what you put your life devotion to, these kind of things that people don't even think exist, and you love to prove them wrong.

Since it was a nice day out for once, you decided to go out and take a walk through the forest, or the woods if you want to call it that. You wanted to go and find some kind of creature to add into your notes, something that you've never seen before.

You walked out of your home taking in a breath of the nice fresh air. You smiled a bit, feeling determined about your goal today.

"Let's hope I find something today!" You speak quietly to yourself with a slight laugh. You moved your (H/C) hair out of your eyes and tucked it behind your ear. You started walking away from your home and towards the place you've been wanting to visit for awhile, the Forest.

You've heard some fellow townsfolk around in town say things about the forest, but you weren't worried about it. You like taking risks whatever it may be, and how dangerous it may be.

You reached the edge of the forest and took a deep breath slowly entering it. You slowly walked through looking at the beautiful scenery around you.

"This is so cool!" You replied to yourself with a smile and a small laugh.

You pull out a small (F/C) journal that you had kept all the creatures you had found in. It was strange to think of how many their actually are and how many more there are to find.

'I wonder what new creatures I'll encounter...' You thought to yourself. You walked around the trees running your fingers along them feeling the bark on them.

'Why can't there be more days like this one?... It would be nice if that would happen... But were in reality here...' You thought to yourself. It would be nice wouldn't it? To just have these kind of days, just like this one. You wouldn't be cooped up in your house cause of the bad weather this town would get. Instead, you'd spend most of your time out of your house doing whatever, especially coming out here to the forest.

Suddenly, there came a soft cool breeze just out of no where. Strange. You must've thought something that... Made the weather all of a sudden change? No, that's ridiculous...

You looked all around you, the breeze was picking up quite the amount of strength, but it wasn't all that ferocious.

The winds soon died down after a few moments to once again a soft breeze. But something else was happening as well, you noticed that the color under your feet started to vanish. Everything that was around you began to become colorless.

You stood there, dumbfound at what was going on at the second. But what you really wanted to know was, why and how was this happening.

Ford X Reader One-Shots (Discontinued, Sorry!) ((EDITED!!))Where stories live. Discover now