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"Don't baby me, Do you think I'm stupid?", she yelled.
"Of course not, I just- I don't think you understand", he pleaded.
"What don't I understand CJ? You practically had your tongue down her throat! How do you justify that?", she said, barely getting to the end without choking on the last few words. You could hear the heart break in her voice as she spoke. Her armour was coming off and she was vulnerable, something she wasn't used to.
"Babe, Evelyn, please just let me explain", his voice was calm, but there was a small crack. He knew he was losing her and for once he couldn't fix it. He didn't have a big enough band-aid this time.
"What? What is there to explain?", she fought the tears and tried to speak strongly, she didn't want him to know how broken she was," I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of apologizing every time you mess up. I shouldn't feel like I have to say sorry because I'm hurting. When you never apologize for hurting me".
She looked at him one last time, she could see the pain and regret in his eyes, a reflection of the way he looked the time before, but this time she wasn't going to break down and take him back. Not again. She looked him in the eyes, gave him her best broken smile and said," I'm only saying this because I love you", she wiped the tears from her cheek," Goodbye CJ", and with that she shut the door.

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