Ice cream & Chick Flicks

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When the doors slammed shut, I collapsed. I couldn't pretend anymore. I was a mess.
"Hey Lynn. Is that you?"
Why did she have to be home? I just want to take a hot shower and get. Now, I'm going to have to explain to her what happened and then listen to her brag about how she was right. I slapped my face into my palm at the thought of it. I was not it the mood.
"Yeah its me", I croaked, my voice gave away the fact I was crying and I could hear Sage running down the stairs. If I wouldn't of answered then she probably would have came running anyways, except this time with a baseball bat instead of tissue.
I buried my face in my hands, not wanting took her in the eyes. My makeup was running every where and I looked like crap.
"Oh my gosh Evelyn, what happened?", her voice slow like she was afraid of my answer. Just wait until she finds out that I'm crying over CJ once again.
"It was just CJ", I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I glanced up at her and at the sound of his name, her face formed a deep frown and she crossed her arms.
"Again, Lynn? What did I tell you?", she said angrily," I knew he was no good. I told you, didn't I?"
"Yeah you did but if appreciate it if you didn't harass me right now and we're just supportive. Please".
"I'm not trying to rub it in your face. I just hate knowing you keep putting yourself through this. You're my best friend. I don't like seeing you like thus", this time when she spoke, she sounded concerned and almost as sad as me.
"I know sage, one day I'll learn", I told her leaning my head on her shoulder as she slid down next to me.
"Until then, ice cream and chick flicks?", with the mention of my favorite sad past times, she looked at me and smiled, before getting up and offering me a hand.
I nodded. This was overdue and much needed.
"The usual?"
"Is there any other way?"
We both laughed and stepped in for a much needed hug. It had been forever since our last movie day. I missed it. We had a routine, that worked pretty good in our favor. Sage would run to the corner store to pick up ice cream and junk food, while I would run to the movie store across the street and pick out the saddest romances I could possibly find. Eventually we would meet back at the house, thrown on our footie pajamas and stay up all night. We usually cried our eyes out and ended up passed out before we finished all of the movies, but it was fun.

"Lets go".

*   *   30 mins later   *   *

Hmm, the notebook, the lucky one, Titanic, If I stay, the lake house and the spectacular now. All of the classic chick flicks, so far so good. Now if I could just find a new one.
I walked up and down the aisles, trying to find more movies. It just seemed to be one action or horror movie after another one.
I guess I'll just stick with my usuals. It never hurts.
I gathered my little stack and headed over to the check out desk. I pulled my wallet out of my purse and set the cases down.
"Is that all?", the cashier asked.
I looked up at the sound of his voice and was surprised to find myself staring at an insanely hot cutie.
"You OK?", he asked, chuckling.
I snapped back to reality and gave a nervous laugh, brushing my hair behind my ear.
"Uh yeah, sorry, got a little distracted", I mumbled and gave him a shy smile.
"Its all good, what's the occasion?", he asked, making small talk while he scanned the bar codes on the cases.
"Girls night", I said with a small laugh. He’s probably laughing at the thought. Ugh, he's really cute.
"Can I make a suggestion?", he asked, looking up at me to see how I'd reply.
I smiled," only if its a good one". What am I doing? Am I flirting? Uh you just got dumped, stop.
He laughed, "well I think its a good one, aisle 3, it's called Remember Me, its pretty good in my opinion". He had a sly smile spread across his face. God he's so cute.
Smiling at him, I walked over to the aisle. Might as well give it a shot. Finding the movie, I read the description. It actually sounded like a good movie. Huh, cute and good taste in movies. Go me.
Walking back over, he smiled at me," I'll take the fact that you're bringing a movie to me as a good sign, you won't be disappointed".
"Promise?", I asked glancing at the floor and then back at him.
With a half smile, he replied with a soft voice,"Promise".
"I'm gonna hold ya to that-", I looked down at his name plate,"- Alex".
Chuckling he ran the movie across the scanner," so do I get to know your name?"
"Well Evelyn, I'm Alex, but you already knew that", we smiled at each other.
"Nice to meet you Alex", I said giving him a small wave.
"You know if you want to, you can give me your number and I can just bundle all the movies for you. Its cheaper", he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked to the side before glancing back at me.
Time to be told, baby,
"You know if you wanted my number, you could've just asked", I smiled," but it's 801-867-5309".
He chuckled and tried to hide a smile," I'll have to make sure to remember that". He glanced up at me and continued to put the info into the computer.
"That'll be $9.56, cash or credit?"
Okay, flirting session over, focus, pay and get back to Sage.
"Oh, I'm credit I don't really like to carry change".
"You'll have to tell me how you liked the movie when you come back," with a small laugh. He handed me scanned my card, handed me my receipt and said,"Have a nice day, Evelyn".
As I walked out, I called back," You too Alex".
Maybe getting over this break up isn't going to be so hard after all.
Man I can't wait to tell Sage.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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