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You wanna know something else? What's really screwing up this generation is people. Not everyone, but a huge majority of them. People are what has made the world how it is today. Which is definitely not a good thing. People are always bringing other people down. Why? Because nowadays, putting people down is the way for others to be "popular". Making fun of how people look, how people dress, if they wear glasses, fat or skinny, white or black, and for some very ignorant reason, the music they listen to, whatever they can do to put the person down. Now heres what really gets me about this situation. People throw hatred towards a person because of the color of there skin, or the race of that person. This is why it gets me.
Do you think that people chose to be who the person they are? (race wise)
Do you think that we had an opportunity to say "No I don't want to be white" or "No I don't want to be black"? No, we were put on this earth without having any say in who we really want to be. We are stuck with the person we are for the rest of our lives. So the fact that people have to literally break people down and make them feel worthless because of something we have no control of is why this world is so messed up. People don't realize when they do this to people, it doesn't just hurt there feelings, it literally destroys them on the inside, and in some ways, the outside as well. People need to start realizing that not everyone has the same aspects on life as eveyone else. Some people think so much differently then others. Which is why they dress like they do, or why they listen to the music they listen to. They don't realize that people want to live there own life the way THEY want to live it, not like how all the popular live theres. If people would just realize that not everyone has to be perfect, then this generation would have so much less drama, and less suicides, and less ignorance. So for all you people out there that think its cool to destroy peoples lives, please think again. Its what makes people depressed, stressed out, anxious, insecure, and its what destroys them. Nobody is perfect. For the people that are going through this; stay strong. You are you, and you are amazing. Just think of this; Just when you think hope is lost, and giving up is all you got! Blue turns black, your confidence is cracked, there seems no turning back from here! When your feet are made of stone, and your confinced that your all alone! Look at the stars, instead of the dark, and you'll find your heart shines like the sun! Let's not let our anger get us lost, and the need to be right comes way too high a cost! That's when you can build a bridge of light, that's what turns the wrongs all right, that's when you know its worth the fight! That's when love turns nighttime into day, that's when loneliness goes away! That's' why you gotta be strong this night! Cause only love can build us a bridge of light! Deep breath, take it on the chin.
You guys are great for who you are now, and don't EVER let someone bring you down because they think differently of you.

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