In the beginning music was the heartbeat you heard in your mothers womb
As you grew up, it was the sounds you heard others mumble to each other that you couldn't quite understand
It continued as the feeling of your first steps against the pavement
It later turned into the difference sounds that came from the toys you played with, that were unheard of before
It was your imaginary friend whispering you secrets in your ear
it was passing notes with friends, hiding them from the teacher
It was the giggles you got while you were dancing in the rain with your friends on a hot summer night
It was the thumping you heard in your head while running down a hill racing the cars beside you
Each time you heard a rain shower it was music to your ears, while you heard the raindrops dancing
It was the smile your little sister gave you when you braided her hair
Music was the heartbeat being recorded on a heart monitor, until you no longer could hear anything