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Miku inhaled as she packed the last if her bags into Maika's car and slid into the front seat beside Maika.
"You're sure this place can help?" She closed the door and Maika pressed the gas pedal. "I've only heard good reviews." Maika replied.

"Thank you for letting me come with you." Miku said as they pulled into the Tokyo airport.
"De Nada!" Maika parked the car and grabbed a small flower-printed bag. "So where are we going?" Miku asked. She had so many questions for her tall friend. Maika didn't answer because she saw a blue car pull in beside hers. A white haired boy stepped out of the drivers seat and sighed. The windows to the car were heavily tinted and Len and Rin lept out from the back seat, shivering.

"I'm never riding with you again." Said Len. The whited haired boy shrugged. "Not my fault you guys can't handle the cold. We are going to the Arctic. It's pretty cold there."
"Piko shut up..." Len rubbed his cold arms. Piko grinned.

"Wait, you guys are going to the Arctic?" Maika said. Piko turned to face her. "Yeah so?"
"So are we! We are headed to..." Her voice trailed off. She didn't quite want to reveal where they were headed to some poeple she had just met.
"Arctic Cave Fall?" Len finished her sentence. "Us too."

Miku smiled. "Let's sit together." She offered. Just then over the speaker a voice rang out.

"ATTENTION. THIS IS THE LAST CALL FOR NORTH PLANE. DESTINATION, ARCTIC CIRCLE." The voice clicked off and the small group exchanged looks before racing to the runway. They bought tickets and ran as fast as they could to the loading deck.

~Time Skip~

"Rin! Put that back!" Len scolded as Rin held a cloth in her hand. It was a dirty cloth and she grinned. "I found it on the floor." Len wrinkled his nose. "Ewww."

Maika had buckled in and her little droid had its own seat beside her. It was so reading a magazine on latest droid fashion. Maika was holding a picture of her boyfriend, Yohioloid. She knew she wouldn't see him for a while which was why she brought a picture with her.

Miku took a seat next to the window. Piko slid in beside her.
"So, I've got a question for you." He said clicking his seatbelt. Miku looked at him.
"You know how we are all going to Arctic Cave Fall? Well... I've heard some things about there and...I wanted to know why you were going." He shifted in his seat. Miku looked at her hands.

"I need help with a secret of mine. I heard this place could help me so my friend Maika, is taking me." She replied. Piko nodded.
"I'm going there for the same reason. Strange." He murmured and set his hand on her leg unknowingly. His hand was cold, ice cold. She started to shiver and Piko noticed this.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He said embarrassment covered his face. Miku smiled.
"It's okay. I just know now what your friends meant by cold." Her eyes grew heavy as night fell over the airplane. Miku fell asleep soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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