The Impeccable World! If Only!

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Blink..Blink..Blink. Once, twice, thrice,
Blurry... focus on the light...
Sight clears.
Its morning- glowing bright!
A new day, a day of hope and excitement
As was yesterday and as tomorrow will be...

A glance out the window
The dazzling scenery
of trees and chirping birds and bees!
The sparkling roads lined with lush green
Throngs of people - laughter rings
Happiness and contentment the spectacle brings!

I turn back to my day ahead
A Rosy shower, then a decking of colours -
Wreathed in perfume , turned into a dazzling wonder!
Gliding down the stairwell, a smile on my face;
A beautiful aroma wafting through..
It makes my day!
Waiting at the end 'a delicious spread'
A lavish bite - ample for a head.

Soon out the door, into the cool coach,
Passing streets and streets of similar mansions
All equals! Ever perfection!
Same status - no difference, not even a fraction!
That's how it is in this vast expanse.
All people - more than content.
No qualms, No pangs.

Off to the grand estate, as all,
To do my bit for this great world!
Voluntary labour, that's how it goes..
Each can choose his own!

Today I will be reading books;
Rating those, giving reviews.
Yesterday I was tasting food;
An epicurean at heart!
Tomorrow I'll be strumming away on my guitar;
Hosting concerts and spreading music at large.

That's what we all do -
Follow the many passions,
Do the things we wish to
And in our own fashion!
Cheerful Strategists, Merry Novelists
And Happy engineers we are;
Teaching acts of kindness
and the story of the stars!
Switching roles in constant
For multifaceted we are;
Every edge is polished -
An amassment of all arts;
To fill this luxuriant reservoir!

The twilight is when this passionate labour ends,
It turns into a mass gathering of friends!
We dance and sing and make the best of life,
There is always a fire and kites flying high -
Love and respect are the stable ropes;
Its binds us together, tight and close!

I stroll along the beach
Listening to the waves crash,
Away from the sounds, the ecstatic clamour;
Breathing in the air -
The peace - the bliss..
This is the way of life
'Nothing we ever miss'

Dinner rolls around in no time at all,
A huge banquet awaiting
For all people big and small..
'One big family' that's who we are
Hundreds and Hundreds - Near and Far -
United as one, we share, no clogs
Plenty to fill all empty carts!

Our coaches then arrive to drive us back
To our affluent abodes so we can hit our sacks!
Affection and Emotions surrounds us lots
As we retire for the day,
Ahead of a new start!

I reach my haven, humming to myself -
Of simple sweet nothings and fantasies and spells..
In this charged mode, I bid this day 'farewell'
As I sink into my silky sheets in my very soft bed -
Drifting into a deep slumber of euphoria!

Blink..Blink..Blink.. Once, twice, thrice, Blurry..
Focus on the harsh sunlight!
Sight clears, its morning!
All I can see are the dusty blinds,
The dry trees, barrens lands filled with poverty!

Of course! It was just a dream!
A fabrication by the crazy delusional me!
This - Here - Now is the Nightmarish reality!

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