13. 07. 16

17 2 0

I am of the belief that I smiled like this at 8 or 9
Overwhelmed by hysterical laughter.
Pretty pink antlers were the definition of my girlish youth
Regardless of the fact that my butterfly wings were blue.
I tried to wrap my mind around the universe of a forest
And often squinted in an attempt to understand the bewildering boat in a bottle
"How could a boat sail oceans concealed by a manmade contraption to retain
The substance of its transportation?"
But overall,
I had never quite understood the concept of a waterfall.
How persons can stand before it staring in absolute awe
As it pours its very soul out selflessly,
Without realising that the beauty before them is eroding beneath the surface.
It's sacrificing itself to quench the thirst of an almost barren river bed
On the other end of the island.
But it is gorgeous isn't it?
Perhaps I was laughing at the irony of my thoughts
Thoughts i was irony at the laughing of my perhaps
Its always funny when you mix words up like
She will always be here
Will she always be here...
I think I smiled like this at 8 or 9.
Before I played battleship with my emotions
And offered pieces of myself to patch the holes of broken baskets.
I suppose I saw the light of the forest when I questioned its universe
And I am still removing thornes from my fingertips, patiently waiting to see the rose.

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