Young God

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I walked outside onto my porch and took a deep breath in.  "Damn it's hot in Atl." I said to myself walking off of my porch and down the street. The sun was sitting high in the sky today, blue skies, no clouds.  Sweat was beadin on my dark chocolate shoulders and dripping down to my forearm.  "Lemme call this nigga." I said to myself while pulling my phone out of my pocket. 
*Dialing Marcus*
Marcus: My nigga
Huey: Sup foo where you at?
Marcus: I'm over here on Godby rd.  Discount mall bruh.
Huey: Aight bet.
*Hangs up*
I sun vised my hand over my eyes and looked up to the sun.
"Damn it's hot."

I walked over to the discount mall which wasn't far from where I was.  Like always it was crowded with a mixture of rachets, hoodlums, dope boys, thieves, and of course Africans.  Wasn't really my style but,  the people here were quite interesting.
I walked up and down the crowded aisles scoping and searching for Marcus. "Excuse me my brother. " I looked to side of me and noticed a really black African man with a black and white church suit and flip flops on walking towards me.  "Yea." I sighed.  "Would you be interested in a Gucci wallet?" He asked in his heavy accent.  He showed me a Gucci wallet which was clearly fake.  I chuckled to my self.  "Nah I bought one from you already,  remember?" The African man looked at me with confusion.  "Really?" He asked. "Yea yea you don't remember?" I replied. "Oh yeaaaa I do thank you my brother." The African man said nodding his head at me
"This nigga lying he ain't buy shit from you Mohhamed don't let him play you." I turned swiftly at my heels and seen my grinning ass hole of a friend,  Marcus. 
Marcus and I have been friends since the 7th grade.  We do everything together, there is no move I make without him.  When most people see me they wouldn't imagine me hanging out with a person like Marcus.  We are two different people.  I'm more driven by my heart and personality as to where Marcus has no personality.  He's driven by his light complexion, curly hair and the fact that he's 6'0.  He believes his looks is the key to the pearly gates of heaven.  I on the other hand didn't really mesh with my looks. I hate my skin complexion. So black, nappy hair, thick lips, 6'6.  Don't get me wrong I keep myself up but damn. 

"Ohhhhh this motherfucka'." I said dapping Marcus up. "Sup foo what you tryna get into?" Marcus asked.  I scratched my head and shrugged.  "When you gone cut that shit off?" Marcus asked looking at my hair.  I kept my hair lined up in a temp fade with my afro sprouting out the top.  "Nigga you look like one of those trolls." Marcus said laughing.  I playfully shoved him and started walking up the aisle.  Marcus followed. 
"You hear bout Ferguson bruh?" I asked Marcus as he was looking at a pair of Jordan's.  "Yea bruh shit crazy." He replied.  I shook my head.  "Yea I wanna go down there." I said.  He looked at me out the corner of his eye. "Naw bruh too dangerous they shooting niggas and shit... Just pray." He said looking back at the Jordan's. I sucked my teeth and waved him off.  "All niggas do is pray don't shit change." I said picking up a pair of timbs.  "Don't loose faith man Jesus a real nigga for real." He replied.  I ignored him.
I lost my religion a long time ago.  I always had my doubts.  I was always taught to never question God.  But, I wanted to know why was Jesus white? Momma told me he's every race.  I knew that was bull shit.  I always questioned why niggas worshipped a God forced on our ancestors back in slavery.  Niggas, all I can do is shake my head.
"Aye bruh let's get outta here to crowded." I said walking towards the exit.  "Aight let me pay for this real quick here I come." He said handing another African man money for a pair of Jordan's.

"Aye nigga who them is?" Marcus asked pointing across the street from where we were sitting on my porch. I sun vised my hands over my eyes and looked.  "Mmmm they prolly just moved in." I replied.
We don't usually get new people moving in our neighborhood, if we do they don't last very long.  Between the roaring air planes that fly above our heads because of the air port and these bad ass kids most people get ghost quick.  Don't get me wrong where I live at is decent.  Nice, clean neighborhood filled with two story brick houses and trees.  It was just the people, always the people.
"Stop staring nigga dayum!" I said shoving Marcus's shoulder. "Move bitch I'm tryna see if any new hoes moving in over there." He said looking intensively.  I sucked my teeth and began to look to.  All I saw was what seemed to be a mom,  dad,  and a nigga who was prolly our age. "Naw bruh. No hoes today." I chuckled.  "Ha ha ha." He mimicked.  "HOW YALL DOING!?" I yelled aross the street to the what seemed to be the  dad.  "Peace and blessings young brotha all is well and yourself?" The man replied. 

 "Peace and blessings?" Marcus questioned to himself aloud.  "WE GOOD!" I yelled back.  "Bruh dayum stop being loud!" Marcus yelled at me grabbing his ear.  I waved him off.

"If you keep being loud ya asses is mine!" My mom yelled from inside the house.  We laughed quietly at her.
"Where you think they from?" I asked Marcus.  He shrugged. "Nigga got locks, so does his wife.  They prolly Jamaican." Marcus replied.  "Not all Jamaicans got locks bruh." I said standing up and walking down the steps. "Where you going?" Marcus asked looking at me confused. "Big daddies.... You hungry right?" I replied
"Hell yea I am." Marcus said hopping to his feet. 

*Next Day*

"Welcome to Family Dollar!" I repeated for the 50th time today in my fake happy voice.  I hated working but I  loved money.  Ain't that some shit? 

"Will this be all for you today ma'am?" I asked one of the customers I was ringing up.  "Huey make sure you have behind this counter swept and cleaned, I don't want to come in tomorrow to a messy work station." Jordan, my  boss nagged while packing his things and leaving.  If there was one person in this world I can say I despised it would be him.  He micro Manages me,  nags,  and cracks corny ass jokes.  Plus this nigga stay simping over every broad that walk in here.  He claims to have a girl but I ain't never seen no proof. 

"Yea." I replied as I started sweeping behind the counter.  I must've faded off into my own world because I hadn't noticed a line of customers.  "EXCUSE ME!" one Lady yelled.  "Are you working here?" She asked me.  I sighed and glared at her sloppy exterior, her weaved looked as it reeked of cigarette must. I hated arguing with customers so I took a deep breath and replied.  "Yes ma'am I do.  How may I help you?" She huffed and threw her items on the counter.  "Do your job I been standing here for 50 damn minutes watching you lolly gag." She snarled at me.  I turnt my lip up at her and began ringing her items up.  "Have a nice day." I said dryly handing her the items.  She grabbed them from my hands and walked out aggressively. I closed my eyes and took a woosah.
"Peace young God don't sweat the little stuff. Some people are just miserable." I opened my eyes and seen the dude who just moved in front of us. I brushed it off with a shrug. "Its all good bruh.  I ain't even tripping." I said while beginning to ring his items.  

"I feel you God I feel you." He replied with a slight chuckle.  I glanced up at him.  Dude looked like some type of black hippy or something.  His Dreadlocs were dyed blue and he wore a purple dashiki with a red, black, and green bandana wrapped around his head, tattoos going up his arm and a shit load of copper and crystal jewelry.  "Nigga a fag." I thought to myself. 

"Aye I see you just moved here, where you coming from?" I asked. 

"Cali. We moved here because we heard ATL was like a large conscious community." He said rubbing the wooden Egyptian cross around his neck.  "Conscious community? Fuck is that?" I asked genuinely confused.  He laughed.  "Look I stay right across from you.  Next week me and my folks are going to the Apache for a spoken word session, you should join us.  I'll introduce you to some folks thats apart of  the conscious community." He said. I handed him his items.  "Cool.  Aight.  Bet.  I'm Huey by the way."
"Powerful name God,  I'm stokley.Love and Light."
Then he left. 
"Why the fuck this nigga kept calling me God?" I asked myself.

I Stay Woke. *Consciousness Series*Where stories live. Discover now