Chapter One

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Today was just like an average day for me. Woke up, had breakfast, and got ready for school. Deciding a pair of light blue high waist jeans and a black ballerina-like t-shirt onesie was enough to pass the day, I grabbed my salt and pepper colored cardigan and backpack to start my car ride to school. Walking out the front door to be met with the October weather, I saw my friends, Victoria and Shawn sitting in her new grey jeep. They honked the horn as soon as I came in contact with the car, making my ear drums ring. 

"Fuck you both." I mumbled as I hopped into the jeep, allowing them to both laugh at me as I slipped and fell on the step to get into the car. 

Coursing myself, I sat down and buckled my seat belt before Victoria made her way down the road in a fast speed. Their laughs settled down as Shawn turned in his seat and flashed me a smile. "Hey." He greeted me as I returned a fake one in return before flipping him the bird. He gave me a face of mock horror, throwing a hand up over his heart, the other hand wiping away fake tears from his perfectly structured face. "Ouch Holland, that really hurt." He then recovered by winking one of his hazel eyes at me that always had me hypnotized because of the pure beauty of them. Basically I had been crushing on Shawn for three years when I met him back in my freshman year. He was considered one of the hotter guys in school, well at least from what I hear around school. He never hung around the 'popular' crowd because he labeled them as "guinea pigs for expensive companies", so basically he called them guinea pigs for short. Not saying he wasn't one to use the girls attention to his advantage, because he was. He had hooked up with around two girls in his high school history that I know of. I felt jealous after he'd tell me about his one night stands, wishing that one day some type of bizare feeling would overcome him to do the same with me, but I knew that would never happen. 

"Did you guys hear Bitton got fired and arrested? Got charged for planting weed in his basement." Victoria began as Shawn and I exchanged confused looks. Mr. Bitton was our Art teacher, and he was the most laid back man. The fact he got arrested didn't surprise me, he'd be in class and smell of it everyday and had these red glossy eyes that just scared the shit out of you. He was a nice teacher, which was the downfall because we'd probably end up with a new teacher that lacked freedom and made us all work our asses off with no ability to have some immunity. "So who's our new teacher?" I asked as I bit my lip, looking out the window at the passing landscape of leaves falling off the large trees. Victoria shrugged as she kept her eyes on the road ahead of us. "No clue."

As we pulled into the school parking lot, Victoria brought the car to a complete halt as we unbuckled ourselves and made our ways across the cement parking lot. Feeling an arm link with mine, I looked over to see Victoria smiling at me. "How was your family dinner?" She let a laugh escape as I shut my eyes tightly, mentally wincing at last nights dinner.

Rewind to last night: My Brother had been coming home from college after a year of not seeing him. He said he had exciting news for my family. My father had been in the navy so he was coming home on temporary leave too, to see my brother. My mother and I had cooked a giant feast for his arrival, as she basically forced me into it or I would not be able to go car browsing in the next couple of days. The table was set for four with our harvest setting on the long dark wooden table, with endless amounts of food. The door bell rang as I walked over to it to see my father. His eyes lit up when he saw me, taking me into his arms, as his hard muscled arms held me against his chest as he laid a kiss on my head. "My little girl!" He chimed as I blushed softly, pulling away. "Hey dad." I announced as my mother walked in with a cloth between her hands, cleaning them off. She shifted on her feet nervously as her lip was caught between her teeth. My parents had separated back in February, both agreeing they weren't working out as well as they had thought back when they got married. They decided to take a break from one another to see how it would feel without one another before going through with a divorce. My father the gentlemen had walked in and flashed my mother a smile. "Joanne." He announced as he gave her a friendly hug, that still looked awkward. Another doorbell sounded as I walked to the door to be met with the large build of my brother, Logan. "Hey, Holl." He smiled as he hugged me gently before giving my father one of those 'guy-like' hugs, and a large hug to my mother who had been telling him how much she missed him. Dinner had started and was going well for the whole course of the meal until my mother had brought out coffee and desserts for us. My mother looked over at my brother who looked like the male version of me, just slightly taller and obviously more built. "So Logan what were you going to tell us that was so important?" My mother asked as she sat down, resting her head on her hands as she watched him put down his mug and a smirk appear on his face. "I'm engaged!" He chimed as my father spat out his coffee across the table, my mother let out a loud scream, and I just sat there with my mouth wide open. Logan was never the settle down type, he was known for partying hard with the jocks and cheerleaders. The longest relationship he ever had was for a week and that was when he was in middle school. He looked at all of us with a confused look as we all remanded frozen. "What?!" My mother screamed as she jumped up and walked over to him, hitting him with her table cloth as he swatted it away. "What are you doing!?" He asked her as she kept hitting him. My father slammed his hand on the table and began lecturing him about how we've never even met the girl and how was he ready to settle down now after not ever having a girlfriend before. My parents lectured him for hours as I smirked, finally he was the one getting yelled at after years of him always being the favourite child. Slowly making my way upstairs, I got away from the whole discussion and went to bed.

"It was..okay.." I breathed out as Victoria wiggled her eyebrows and smirked. "Your brother still hot as can be?" She asked, she always had this weird obsession with my brother that made me feel more uncomfortable than any other situation made me. I guess now would put down her spirit about her fantasies about Logan. "Oh yeah, he's engaged." I told her as she halted to a stop, throwing her arms up in the air. "What!?" She yelled, letting those around us give us questionable looks as I smiled at her, crossing my arms. "He's getting married, guess the whole 'Logtoria' relationship won't happen." I refereed to her couple name with my brother she made up. She mopped behind me as she dragged her feet and crossed her arms, a frown completing her look. The bell to indicate we had five minutes to class came on as I looked at her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll see you in art." I announced as she nodded, walking down the hall to her first period. 

The rest of the day went on normally, rumours about Bitton's arrest flowed around the school all day. Rumours even about the new good looking teacher in his place surfaced. Ignoring the hormonal girls and pissed off guys, I met up with Victoria and Shawn and made our way to art. Walking through the doorway, I made my way through the now switched around class, girls sat at the front to get a good look at the new teacher, making me roll my eyes. They wore their shirts low to expose their ether non existent or huge breasts. The back was filled with boys who were annoyed by the attention the new teacher was getting. Finding three open spots, the three of us took them as I sat in the middle right behind Ariel Lucife. Ariel Lucife was considered the mamma of the guinea pigs. She had pretty much fake everything from breasts to a blonde weave attached to her scalp. She had her make up caked on across her face as she had her pack around her. The aroma flowing from her and her friends made me want to vomit. It smelt like an overload of pink sugar and flowers, making me gag. Shawn laughed softly as he knew my hate for Ariel. She tried dating my brother and after he rejected her, she made up rumours about our family. She was pure evil, which was ironic because of her last name. Getting pulled out of my thoughts, hard shoes came closer to the door as we all looked up to see the most beautiful man I'd seen in my life strut into the class. His chocolate brown short cut hair was slightly messy yet still professional, as his jaw was shaded with stubble that left me in a dirty thought of how that would feel all over my body. Shaking my head from my dirty mind, I noticed the dimples on his cheeks as his smile literally lit up the whole room. His dress shirt hugged to his torso like it was meant to just fit him. The arms allowed us to see the impressive size of his arms that tugged the material. He was sculpted by the God's. 

"Afternoon class, everyone enjoy their days? I'm Mr. Sage and I'm going to be filling in for Mr. Bitton, after some laws were broke under his suspense, so I'll be here for the rest of the year." Sending a smile to us again, I felt my stomach erupt with butterflies as she clapped his hands together, rubbing them. He walked over to his desk and pulled the attendance off. He began calling names as I admired his appearance."

"Holland Gale." I heard my voice called as I looked up to his eyes and raised my hand. "Here." I could see his Adam's apple bob, his eyes growing slightly wide. Pushing my eyebrows together slightly, he reminded slightly silent as I shrugged mentally before Shawn poked me. "What was that about?" He asked as I gave him a confused look. "I don't know.." I began before I heard that stomach clenching name be called. "Ariel Lucife." 

"Here, sir!" She called out as she battered her eyelashes quickly and bit her lip. He smiled at her softly as I rolled my eyes. "For fuck sake's." I breathed as I then heard the class grow quiet. "Excuse me, Miss. Gale?" He asked with a slight tug of his lips. Did I say that outloud?

Ariel gave me a death threatening glare as I bit my lip gently. Oh shit.

"S-Sorry sir, I didn't mean to disrupt you with vulgar language. I swear it won't happen again." I pleaded as he pointed at me. "Detention after school." He then sent me a wink and began doing attendance again as my jaw dropped so far I think it hit the ground as I sat there bewildered. Did he seriously just do that!? Well his good looks just flew out the window due to his Jack ass personality. Hearing gasps I looked up to see Mr. Sage laughing softly as everyone gave me shocked looks. 

"Great to know you think highly of my body, Miss. Sage. Detention for the rest of the week."

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