Chapter 1: Begin Again

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||Notice|| This book takes place during the time that passed after the ending of Broken Together & the epilogue

I scream and kick as a police officer
drags me out of the police station and towards a social workers car "No!! Get off me! You can't make me do this!" I shout angrily at the man who has a death grip on my arm

"Just calm down son we're only doing what's best for you" he tries to tell me

"Fuck you!" I grit my teeth frantically trying to escape his firm hold

We get to a small black car where A woman with short blonde hair who looks to be in her late twenties stands. I saw this woman in the police station earlier talking to all the police officers, I would have run earlier knowing she was a social worker if I wasn't handcuffed to the chair I was sat in.

"Niall this is Maura your social worker." He tells me but I simply glare at the woman "you going to be okay with him Mrs Gallagher? He's quite the handful" I roll my eyes

She nods "yeah we'll be fine" she says softly

The officer opens the door to the back seat of the car and pushes me in roughly "Uhg" I groan as he pushes me and closes the door quickly locking it

The social worker thanks the officer and climbs into the drivers seat. We start to drive away in silence. I look around outside the window trying to figure out how fast we're going; maybe I could jump out the car window and make a run for it.

No way we must be going at least 80 I'll break every bone in my body that is if I don't die...maybe that'd be better though?

"It's Niall right?" Maura suddenly breaks the heavy silence through out the car

I just cross my arms tightly around my torso and look down not wanting to talk to the woman who's actively ruining my life.

"Look, I know how you're feeling right now. Well not on a personal level but I've been doing this a long time...I know youre angry and upset and you're probably blaming me and the police and that woman who found you, for taking you away from the life you've know, but we really are trying to do what's best for you. I know that's all you've heard today but that really is all we're trying to you." I roll my eyes hearing the same stupid speech people have been giving me for the past week  since I've been in the hospital.

"Where are you taking me?" I break my silence needing to know where I'll have to figure out how to escape from

"Well firstly to a doctor" she tells me

I glare at her "I've been in the hospital for the past week" I tell her annoyed

"I know. But something tells me that gash on your head happened after you left the hospital today and from the looks of it you need stitches" she says kindly but I know better then to believe she actually cares

I bring my hand up to the deep bloody cut on my forehead feeling blood. I flinch at the stinging pain regretting touching it. I look down at my hand seeing my finger tips stained red

"How'd it happen?" She asks

I sigh "cop tackled me to the ground when I tried to run and I hit my head on the pavement" I explain mad. And they claim they're 'trying to help me'

She simply nods probably thinking I deserved it.

"So where after that?" I ask

"To a foster family" she tells me "nice couple, they weren't able to have kids though-"

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