dumb brother

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hi i am Lexi  mahone . i am 13 and my brother is Austin Mahone . i love sports ALOT . i do kind of get bullied alot . so here is my story  !!!!!!


buzz buzz buzz buzz . my phone was going crazy !!   i looked at my phone and i saw a text from mom :

hey baby sorry i have to work over time today i hope you have  a great day at school see you later

xx momma

what ?! mom said she will be home tonight . she is never home not after.... dad died . 

i went down stairs to tell Austin he has to bring me to gymnastics .

i saw Austin sitting on a bar stool and texting while eating his toast . 

" hey , Austin i need you to take me to gymnastics today" i said .

" sure thing , ....... wait wasn't mom going to bring you ?" he said before taking a bite of his toast.

" ummm ... yea about that she is working over time " i said while i took out  a piece of  bread and bit it .

" ok " was all he said .

" are you walking to school today ? " he asked while getting off his bar stool and washing his plate in the sink.

" no can you drive me ?" i asked as i finshed off my toast .

" yea sure thing lex lex ." he said as he smiled at me . 

 i returned that smile , which is weird for me i never smiled at anyone in like a month . 

wellll... don't just stand there go get your bag and phone " he said  while laghing .

" oh yea" i said while running up stairs to my room  i grabbed my i phone and navy blue bag . i ran down stairs to see austin frowning at his phone.

" whats the matter austin ?" i said while going down the last 4 wooden steeps 

" nothin' lets go " he said with a big smile .

austin pov 

while lexi was getting her bag i got a email from lexi's doctor it said that she has a depressant issues , when i saw that my heart broke  in to tuns of pieces . lexi cam e down and asked what was the matter .  i looked at her and saw my baby lexi , looking at me an i noticed that she does look less .... her self

                                                    $ after school at gymnstics $

                  lexi pov 

i was doing a double flip when Lizzy ( my enemy ) moved the mat and i land perfectly ........ well thats what i  thought . i started walking when my ankle was killing me . i ran to the bathroom and  i had to fix it soooo... i took my ankle and placed it back in place . when i got out i saw austin talking to zac ....... omg what zac?! i ran back to the bathroom  all i had on was a sports bra and black dance short shorts. when i got out i saw zac had left  ..... yay note sarcasm. 

 i went up to austin and asked if he liked zac .

" i................................... hate zac soooo much   lexi " he said with a frown 

great just great ! now i have to find someone else to like....... wait i don't have to listen to austin ....... i am tired of being the good girl

cliffff hannnngggeerrr  .    he he he ! 

so tell me what you guys think

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